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@Von der Tann
I always see this criticism of JJ and it kinda bothers me a little.
Your explanation is fine: calm, rational, and accepting of those who do enjoy it.
Most of the others (or at least the loudest ones) actively insult his work by making images like these, as if pointing this out will suddenly make everyone hate his art as much as they do.
Those are the people that really bug me and I'm glad that they don't seem to exist here on KYM.
(To note: JJ draws humans in what is essentially anime-style. Anime has always used rather similar facial shapes and features, instead distinguishing characters through unique hair and clothing. Obviously not everyone likes this but it is hardly something that only he does.)


>Dislikes that JJ's humanized ponies for having cut-and-paste body types.
>Doesn't notice MLP:FiM does the same thing with their pony designs.
Seems legit.

Though I think I do seem to understand the reasoning behind this.
We've been bombarded by the anime style for so long that we've becoming desensitized with it.
These G4 pony designs however are new and fresh so it's much more interesting to behold.


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