The Hound makes me think of Dangerous Minds. That's my problem, I know. | /r/FreeFolk
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Apr 15, 2024 at 04:21PM EDT
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How many books are in the "Game of thrones" universe? And what are the names of such books? | /r/FreeFolk
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Watching this scene for the first time and thinking he would have her do something way more sinister after handing over that scepter. | /r/FreeFolk
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From there to here, from here to there, all black and brown and covered with hair | /r/FreeFolk
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they really blackwashed a character, but kept him saying that they must preserve the pure bloodline? | /r/FreeFolk
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/r/freefolk - The Hound makes me think of Dangerous Minds. That's my problem, I know. | /r/FreeFolk
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