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Origin Entry: Netflix

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Netflix - netflix disgusting AI animation inconsistent the universe to real animation studio

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Mr. Watcher
Mr. Watcher

Bruh I want you to listen to me….

I use AI for… NSFW stuff that a lot of peeps won't be into and I am very sure I ain't the only one. I can already tell you, unless you are that crazy, that you put out won't allow the crazy stuff people actually want to create. I mean, there are some things I am sure we all don't want peeps to create, if they can control realistic filters and all that we could get real illegal stuff, ugh it can be worrisome and just disgusting.

It should also be mentioned there are a good bunch of services doing something very similar for a lower price (sometimes free). It will take some convincing to make what you got and get peeps to buy it.

Mr. Watcher
Mr. Watcher

in reply to malerfique

Never said I was. AI art generation is a toy to me. It either creates something interesting or…. Things I want to see, NSFW things. But at best I would like to meet up in a discord group with peeps who have my interest. I don't think this stuff is art, but it could be… It will just take a good number of years to get any good before it has a chance to, because it really isn't the best it can be (not even when making NSFW).


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