Sign Anon goes to Valve | Team Fortress 2 | Know Your Meme
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219 Views Created 13 days ago By Dogman15 • Updated 12 days ago

Created By Dogman15 • Updated 12 days ago

O Anonymous 06/09/24(Sun)06:01 PM No.481300009 >>481300223 >>481300246 >>481300321 >>481300325 >>481300421 >>481300441 >>481300452 >>481300478 >>481300943 >>481301538 >>481301784 >>481301853 >>481301948 >>481302026 >>481302080 >>481302162 >>481302346 >>481302480 >>481303010 >>481304772 >>481307353 >>481308979 >>481309019 >>481309056 >>481309076 >>481309772 >>481310554 >>481311867 >>481313865 >>481313932 file.png (471 KB, 483x582) google yandex iqdb saucenao One of my friends brought up the possibility that handing out pamphlets might count as solicitation and since none of us are lawyers we decided not to risk it. Went with a different design for the Conscientious Objector, I don't like Youtubers in principle so I didn't want to hold their hashtag and advertise their "movement." Valve people will know what's going on when they see me and the sign anyway >>481233926 >>481244917 日 >>481245131 >>481277287 >>481277567 >>481245417 >>481245702 >>481277158 >>481277739 >>481277969 >>481283398 REPENT, DOUBTERS Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)05:45 PM No.481438007 >>481438148 >>481438171 >>481438753 >>481438754 >>481438774 >>481438905 >>481439041 >>481439051 >>481439171 >>481439975 >>481441020 >>481441270 >>481444004 >>481444165 >>481447250 file.png (626 KB, 591x692) google yandex iqdb saucenao >>481434237 >>481436308 >>481437639 >>481437831 >>481437909 >Not learning after yesterday /tf2g/ - Sign Anon Goes to Valve You knuckleheads ain't even worth the effort REPENT, DOUBTERS Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)05:46 PM No.481438148 heavy.jpg (30 KB, 400x384) google yandex iqdb saucenao >>481438007 Real s---? Did anyone actually notice you? EXID 6/10/24 EXIT Kirkland ° 日 Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)05:46 PM No.481438171 >>481438007 Oh hey could have let us known sooner So where's the pic with the Valve employees? Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)05:51 PM No.481438753 A toast.jpg (105 KB, 1170x1200) google yandex iqdb saucenao >>481438007 Pic with devs or nothingburger 日 N LINCOLN Valve Corporation Software Development Service-Bellevue, Was 10 Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)05:51 PM No.481438754 >>481438007 AAAIIIOEIEIIIIIIEEEEEIIEIEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH *gets vaporised in a cutscene* Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)05:55 PM No.481439148 >>481439375 >>481439975 >>481440049 >>481440789 >>481441663 >>481442360 >>481444004 >>481444112 >>481444387 >>481445832 >>481445969 >>481446471 file.png (464 KB, 372x720) google yandex iqdb saucenao >>481437886 Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)05:44 PM No.481437886 >>481439148 What if sign anon actually got himself arrested? Like someone immediately called the cops and he was arrested for "loitering" and he's been at the police station all day >Arrived at around 8:25 >After 5-10 minutes of standing around some old guy in an expensive suit glared at me while walking in >Security guard comes out barely a minute after >Literally the first thing he tells me is "well you're on the public sidewalk, so that's fine" >I explain I'm not planning to approach or harass anyone, chant any slogans, etc and he looks relieved and goes back inside The rest of the day I had no issues with security. Some cops on patrol did ask me what my sign was about though Now for the bad news If there was any doubt before, it's basically confirmed that Valve's radio silence for #FixTF2 is a top-down executive decision made from the start and not a result of confusion or internal debate or whatever the cope is. The Valve HQ building is shared with Pokemon and some generic businesses and banks. Whenever someone went in, it was easy to guess which of the 3 they were associated with >Expensive three-piece suits, usually visible wristwatches Bankers and other businesses >Suit and tie, Japanese guys Pokemon >West Coast casual or "casual formal" wear, scruffy or comfy clothes Valve Using this method: early on, from around 8:40 when the earliest of potential Valve guys showed up to maybe 9:30, I got a surprising amount of nods, smiles, etc. A guy pointed at my sign as he walked by. Another one actually shouted "THAT SCOUT IS A SPY!" while walking in. I would just smile and nod or do finger guns like an autist After around 9:30 I assume someone blabbed about the Scout cosplayer outside the front door on their company comms and their PR team sent out a bulletin. After 9:30, people entering the building who looked like potential Valve employees ignored me in a very obvious "I am not looking at you" way, a complete 180 from the warm-ish way (assumed) Valve employees acted when passing by me 1/? Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)06:09 PM No.481440789 >>481441253 >>481441382 >>481441509 >>481441663 >>481442360 >>481442428 >>481444112 >>481444957 >>481439148 From 9:30 on to around after 5:15 this sort of "I am not looking at you" thing continued from (again, assumed) Valve employees going in and out of the building On 3 occasions potential Valve employees broke protocol to ask me for a photo. On 2 of these occasions they left the building specifically for me and went back in right after. I told them "only if you're in the frame with me" and they would balk and say something like "oh..." and leave. So I'm pretty certain around 9:30 their PR team sent out a bulletin about not going near the Scout so their radio silence policy towards TF2 can be maintained. No PR person came down either >>481439041 >>481440049 Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)06:03 PM No.481440049 >>481440789 Eric Smith.jpg (287 KB, 1200x1000) google yandex iqdb saucenao >>481439148 Thank you for your service Happened to recognize Eric by any chance? >and their PR team sent out a bulletin So what happened? Did somebody come down like last time? I actually did see someone that I was ALMOST certain was Eric Smith. Based on that one(1) photo of him available on the wiki at least. Same shaved head, same physique, same "office casual" clothes. He passed by me 3 or 4 times throughout the day, doing the "I am not looking at you" thing every time Outside of the brief period of interaction at the start of the morning, for the rest of the day Valve-looking guys coming and going would pretend I didn't exist. It was very obvious because the Pokemon-looking guys and the bankers would stare or smile awkwardly, and three different bankers stopped to ask me what my sign was about. So as far as #FixTF2 goes, this visit was a bust. Sorry lads. Valve won't talk at all even when visited in person, which really doesn't bode well >Other stuff I got recognized by a surprising amount of random passersby. Someone called out "Scout, where's your bat!?" from across the road. A guy in a car passing shouted "FIX TF2!" at me. I took a dozen or so photos with random people who, not being Valve employees, were 100% ok with the "you have to be in the frame with me" offer I made It was fun. But the Valve PR lockdown mode thing is a real shame. The guy who burst out "THAT SCOUT IS A SPY" seemed really cool 2/2 日 Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)06:22 PM No.481442428 >>481443887 >>481444003 >>481444112 >>481440789 3/2 (random s---) I waited until 2 PM for Valve employees to all be back from lunch break(hopefully maximizing my chances someone might risk talking to me so I could sperg out about parkour captcha and quickplay) and simply went across the intersection to Chipotle for a late lunch. The MOMENT I walked in a worker behind the counter shouted for scout to show him the sign. Maybe it's because it's right next to Valve HQ but I was pretty surprised by recognizable I was Three different senior citizens walking their dogs or jogging thought I was protesting Al One of the banker/businessman looking guys wasn't just grumpy or put off by me but was openly glaring. I'm 90% sure he muttered "again" under his breath. Maybe he was around two years ago. Or maybe the Pokemon guys have deluded idiots showing up in cosplay too and we don't hear about it. Either way that one guy was pretty p----- and peeking in through the glass I actually saw him approaching the security guard desk that was just out of view. This was around noon. Since no security came out I guess sticking to public property and not doing anything that could count as harassment or solicitation or whatever was the right call and they must have told him there was nothing they could do >>481441382 Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)06:13 PM No.481441382 >>481441790 >>481442360 >>481442428 >>481440789 >Valve won't talk at all even when visited in person anon you didn't even ask to talk to anyone. you just stood outside the building and watched people come and go. The security guard specifically warned me not to try to enter the building and I told him not to worry and that I'd like to make his job easy. Trying to enter was what got the Spy from 2 years ago kicked out and I was planning to stick around all day Ө Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)06:36 PM No.481444003 >>481444492 >>481444713 Oh I forgot to mention >>481442428 日 4/2 My biggest piece of evidence that their PR team must have sent out a bulletin is that one potential Valve dev praised my scout costume while showing up for work at around 9. Because he did that I exempted him from the "you have to be in frame with me" rule when he stepped back out around 9:10 or 9:20 to ask to take a photo of me and he was friendly the entire time, even when I was prodding him a little about the game being full of bots and that being why I was here. But later during lunch when he went he glanced at me while speedwalking past, and when he returned he didn't even look at me, the same "I am not looking at you" thing Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)07:14 PM No.481448249 >>481448336 >>481448435 >>481448475 >>481448741 >>481447250 Anonymous 06/10/24(Mon)07:05 PM No.481447250 >>481448249 >>481438007 Based for putting your money where your mouth is and following through. Your cosplay is pretty good too for something lashed up over a weekend, even the shoes are more or less accurate (ZX flux?) Old red shirt, and soccer socks I already had. Baseball knickers, s----- belt with an appropriate-looking buckle and duffel bag, were donated by friends. The one-sided headset was from a friend too. Bought paint and painted it orange. Bought wooden rods and planks for the Conscientious Objector, printed out the image thrown together in MS Paint and glued it on. Had to buy the dog tags from a costume shop, the hat from a hat stand. The shoes are old, we painted the stripes on to fit Scout's. Took us about 4 days to complete >>481446687 >>481447721 >>481447868 I can't force you but I'd rather you not share my posts to Reddit. I can't stand that site and don't like the idea of my photos being spread even further I like my privacy except when I get egged into doing dumb fun stuff like this, hence the censored photos. On the 2-3 times people asked me what my name was today, I told them my name was Jeremy Teufort


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