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Twilight Sparkle has ALWAYS been OCD. Was the creator of this image asleep when she buried her nose in a book WHEN A FRIGGIN' TREE FELL INTO HER BEDROOM, or when she spent a whole day stalking Pinkie Pie and hooked her up to an EKG just because she refused to believe an earth pony could have any kind of magical talent?

What about Rainbow Dash cheating during the Iron Pony competition by flying, just because she didn't want to lose to Applejack? Granted, she didn't behave badly nearly as much in Season 1, but that was largely because there weren't nearly as many episodes focusing on her. There was a lot more of her in Season 2, which means that her flaws were on display a lot more often (although I will concede that the way she was written in Mysterious Mare Do Well was a bit unfair).

Fluttershy not being sociophobic in Season 1? Again, just because she wasn't put in those situations nearly as often in Season 1 does not mean her character changed. Also, in regards to Hurricane Fluttershy, it was established ever since Dragonshy that she can't fly well when she's nervous.

Rarity has always been a mixed bag. She sometimes behaves selfishly, but other times her generosity and wit shines very brightly. It all depends on what the episode needs, and I see her as being a very flexible character in terms of how she can be written.


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