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Vavian "Strongbrush" Free
Vavian "Strongbrush" Free

This isn't autism, this is just stupidity.

I have autism and even I'm smart enough to know that doing the same thing over and over again even though you've failed to achieve your goal a hundred times is the dumbest thing you can possibly do.


Okay, I hate to be "that guy", but can we just stop using "autism" to describe situations or people like this? As someone with aspergers, and someone who knows plenty of other people who have aspergers and are actually pretty reasonable and smart people, I feel a little insulted when the term is used like that. It's people like Chris-Chan who give people with autism a bad name, and makes other think it's synonymous with retarded.

As for this, it's not autism, it's just being flat out stupid. I can tell you right now that despite having some problems, I know better than to constantly annoy the writing staff to make something that will never happen.


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