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Auto Schmodown
Auto Schmodown

in reply to NILLOC916

No. Realistically speaking, the ride will end. It happened to many KYM in-jokes. People thought they would go on and on. But how long has it been since somebody said "I NEED BLOOD" or "Time to killed people"? When was the last time SRJ trended? Hell, even Goat-Tan is showing signs of falling apart… only about three or four users are still keeping it up.

KYM In-jokes are like shooting stars. They appear for an instant; they seem magnificent, unstoppable, brilliant--and as quickly as they appeared, they're gone, with little more than a wisp of memory left of them.

The point is: This particular in'joke WILL die off. Maybe not with this picture, but it will soon. The ride will end.


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