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Silly Twilight, you're the main character. Undeserved titles and positions are your bread and butter.

Also, what does being the "ruler" of friendship even fucking mean? Does she decide when you've hung out with a person long enough and your friends? Or when a childhood friend meets up with you now that you're older, and she decides when it's okay for you to take it a step further and start dating?

I mean, I can't help but find it stupidly adorable how they need to make up half-assed titles for it to seem like a character has importance to the narrative. Like, Cadence was the "princess of love" or some other bullshit until they decided to create the Crystal Empire, which she took over with no challenge at all. I know that people make out Celestia and Luna as the princesses of the sun and moon, but they are actual RULERS OF A KINGDOM, they make important decisions that effect everyone (at least offscreen).

Mostly, my curiosity lies with what the hell they are going to do with this make-believe title of "princess of friendship" for S5. Which, if S4 was any indication, will amount to a whole lot of jack. Her becoming an alicorn in the first place didn't do a thing, why should this?


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