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Studio Ghibli AI Generator image example depicting disaster girl.

Studio Ghibli AI Generator

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • a day ago

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile meme examples depicting two pictures of a black Dodge Challenger car.

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 6 days ago

Ashton Hall Morning Routine meme and viral video image examples.

Ashton Hall's Morning Routine

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • 4 days ago

Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals image and meme examples.

Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 8 days ago

Tralalero Tralala meme example.

Tralalero Tralala

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • about a month ago

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I'll agree with the captions, but none of the three examples were crippled by mercury poisoning.

"Symptoms typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination. The type and degree of symptoms exhibited depend upon the individual toxin, the dose, and the method and duration of exposure."

"Common symptoms of mercury poisoning include peripheral neuropathy (presenting as paresthesia or itching, burning or pain), skin discoloration (pink cheeks, fingertips and toes), swelling, and desquamation (shedding or peeling of skin)."

given the bags under Korra's eyes, she is likely in some kind of constant burning pain in her legs and arms. Toph and Ming-hua were likely not in pain from being blind and born without arms (not sure if Teo had pain or not, since the flood was what paralyzed him from the waist down). yes, Toph found a way to blind-earthbend and earthbend-see, and Ming-hua developed water limbs to an amazing level, but they didn't have to endure pain while trying.


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