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in reply to DaveTache

Kind of. He weighed in on the SJW definition of misogyny:

“Specifically I don’t agree that video games are misogynistic just because there are certain tropes they tend to fall back on a lot. It is true that there are an awful lot of game stories where the protagonist is male and the female character exists either to be rescued or to die and give the protagonist motivation. We’ll call that the hero-damsel narrative. I don’t think that hero-damsel enforces misogyny. After all, the protagonist, the male, is the one who has it worst. He’s the one who has to put himself at pain, and even die, over and over again, in an endless cycle of torment, for the benefit of the women. Yeah, ‘damsels in distress’ tend to be shallow characters without much agency, but who has less agency than the protagonist? The one that can’t so much as lift a finger if the player doesn’t press a button telling them to?”

(sorry I posted that 3 times. Can't get the textile to work)


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