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in reply to Get PILLS, against my orders

Take the "Feminism" circle on the left and rename it "Internet/Tumblr Feminism". "Unicorn Feminist" is any noteworthy feminist active in internet circles that goes against the common talking points of the Internet/Tumbler Feminists. Christina Summers, alias "Based Mom" is cited as an example; she's promoting what would be considered a moderate agenda in the real world (rape hysteria complicates actual prosecutions, the wage gap situation is better than it sounds, etc), but on the Internet she gets branded an "anti-feminist" by the Tumblr set (who intend it as a slur) and their enemies (who view the slur as a seal of approval). Dedicated anti-feminists (like whoever made this chart) love them, because they lend a level of academic credibility to the anti-feminist argument that is otherwise in short supply, as well as being in a good position to appeal and promote to the silent majority that doesn't take a strong stance either way (the "middle mass" on the chart).


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