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• Created 9 years ago By Rad Dudesman • Updated about a year ago

Created 9 years ago By Rad Dudesman • Updated about a year ago

Merlynn132 2 months ago +therealnikachu Absolutely not. If you can't tell a two bit con artist from one of your own,you really need to clean up your movement before you start "suggesting" anything But maybe you're just naive and don't understand the problem. Do you know why there's so many white male characters in video games? Especially leads? Because no one cares about them A white male can be a lecherous drunk. A woman can't or it's sexist. Sexualizing women and what all. A white male can be a mentally disturbed soldier who's mind is unraveling as he walks through the hell of the modern battlefield. A woman can't or you're victimizing women and saying they're all crazy Consider Guybrush Threepwood, star of the Monkey Island series. He's weak,socially awkward,cowardly kind of a nerd,and generally the last person you'd think of to even cabin boy on a pirate ship,let alone captain one. He is abused,verbally and physically,mistreated,shunned,hated, and generally made to feel unwanted. Now let's say Guybrush was a girl. Well call her Galbrush. Galbrush is weak,socially awkward,cowardly,kind of a nerd,and generally the last person you'd think of to even cabin boy on a pirate ship,let alone captain one. She is abused,verbally and physically,mistreated,shunned,hated,and generally made to feel unwanted. Now,you might notice that I've given the exact same description to both of these characters. But here's where things deviate While no one cares if Guybrush takes a pounding for being,for lack of a better term,a less than ideal pirate,Galbrush will be presumed to be discriminated against because of her gender. In fact,every hardship she will endure though exactly the same as the hardships Guybrush endured,will be considered miso And that ending. She goes through ALL that trouble to help,let's call him Eli Marley,escape the evil clutches of the ghost piratess Le Chuck, it turns out he didn't even need her help and she even screwed up his plan to thwart Le Chuck. Why it'd be a slap in the face to every woman who's ever picked up a controller. Not only is the protagonist inept, but apparently women make lousy villains too! gyny, rather than someone being ill suited to their desired calling. And that's why Guybrush exists and Galbrush doesn't. Men can be comically inept halfwits,women can't. Men can be flawed, tragic human beings,women cant. And why? Because every single female character reflects all women everywhere The horrible truth is you and Sarkeesian want to craft a box into which you can force every female character into. Some idiotic "ideal". Putting aside the stupidity of exchanging one unobtainable role model for women with another,that has the added problem of making all female characters exactly the same. And when all characters are exactly the same,that's boring. And boring characters do not sell video games Oliver Campbell @oliverbcampbell Dec 3 I don't know who this is, but this is the greatest thing I read on the internet today. £7516 ★534


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Comments ( 21 )

  • thegreato - 9 years ago

    This burning finger of truth! It tells me to use facts to defeat your argument!

  • Zancrow - 9 years ago

    Truth Nuke!

  • Guzman - 9 years ago

    Someone get this person a freaking cookie.

    • Bailoroc - 9 years ago

      No, get him a freaking medal!

      • Freakenstein - 9 years ago

        Okay fine, a cookie shaped like a medal.

    • Freakenstein - 9 years ago

      Okay fine, a cookie shaped like a medal.

    • Blargity - 9 years ago

      We'll get them the biggest cookie ever made!

      • Juki Nuki - 9 years ago

        And bake it in the shape of a medal

    • Juki Nuki - 9 years ago

      And bake it in the shape of a medal

  • Ryumaru Borike - 9 years ago

  • Bailoroc - 9 years ago

    No, get him a freaking medal!

    • Freakenstein - 9 years ago

      Okay fine, a cookie shaped like a medal.

  • tman105 - 9 years ago

    Yup. if Women want to ask why there are barely any female leads and 95% of them are the same person, reason 1a is that more men play video games and reason 1b is this.

  • Freakenstein - 9 years ago

    Okay fine, a cookie shaped like a medal.

  • Blargity - 9 years ago

    We'll get them the biggest cookie ever made!

    • Juki Nuki - 9 years ago

      And bake it in the shape of a medal

  • DefinitelyNotADog - 9 years ago

    "A white male can be a mentally disturbed soldier who's mind is unraveling as he walks through the hell of a modern battlefield."


  • Ritza - 9 years ago

    A good female character is someone who has so much character that you don't even notice their gender.

    I didn't notice all of the leaders in Final Fantasy XIV were all women until someone mentioned it.

    • Dioxin Jimmy - 9 years ago

      That's partly because the men were rather visually indistinguishable from the women. Mostly because of the costumes.

  • Asura - 9 years ago

    All of my internets.

  • Mistress Fortune - 9 years ago

    I've actually seen this comment a few times already, but I still like it. My best example is always comparing Lara Croft in Tomb Raider (mainly in the 2013 reboot) to Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 4. Both can die in a variety of horrific ways, but yet I've only ever seen certain people call it "sexist" when it happens to a female character like Lara, but when it happens to Leon no one bats an eye.

    How the hell is it sexist when a character like Lara Croft dies in horrific ways? If anything it shows to me the developers are willing to display some real equality by NOT wimping out and showing Lara only getting minor injuries "because she's a woman." By giving Lara the chance to have gruesome death animations that have been seen with male characters, it shows the developers aren't treating her like some delicate flower that needs to be held softly. Nope, she gets the same treatment male M-rated protagonists get: equal opportunities to cause some serious damage, and have serious damage inflicted upon herself.

    • BrentD15 - 9 years ago

      Lara Croft is a psycopath.
      She complains about killing and yet finds gruesome ways to kill people that threaten her.

  • Siegg - 9 years ago

    i dont even care how many different times i see that comment, its always good

  • The Sovjet Cat - 9 years ago

    I will never NOT upvote that comment.

  • boogie woogie influenza - 9 years ago

    this is not the first time that i see that copypasta, and i still haven´t seen any good comeback.

    • Tomberry - 9 years ago

      Then you haven't searched hard enough. There have been many combacks questioning how it was kind of bullshit to state that feminism was at fault here and how people are quick to react on "flawed" female characters as well as characters from minorities because these ones have the same stereotypes most of the time.

  • Juki Nuki - 9 years ago

    And bake it in the shape of a medal

  • Wimbleflat - 9 years ago

    There was a thread on here about that Youtube comment.

  • GenericNerd1110 - 9 years ago

    Preach brotha, preach.

  • Tomberry - 9 years ago

    Then you haven't searched hard enough. There have been many combacks questioning how it was kind of bullshit to state that feminism was at fault here and how people are quick to react on "flawed" female characters as well as characters from minorities because these ones have the same stereotypes most of the time.

  • BrentD15 - 9 years ago

    Lara Croft is a psycopath.
    She complains about killing and yet finds gruesome ways to kill people that threaten her.

  • Dioxin Jimmy - 9 years ago

    That's partly because the men were rather visually indistinguishable from the women. Mostly because of the costumes.

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