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To be honest, I never like it when people compare the Garnet fusion thing to Korrasami as if they're on the same boat. It seems really unfair (and kind of insulting) to the people working on SU to do so.

It wasn't something thrown in or half-assed for the sake of fanservice. Ruby and Sapphire aren't just a couple, they're an extension of Garnet's character and has added a very interesting dynamic to her. It was thought out (some think from the very beginning of the show) and executed well. Not only that, but there's actual development and depth to it. The few minutes we see of Ruby and Sapphire interacting showed more than the entirety of the Korra and Asami scenes from the series.

I've seen too many people go, "Omg, LoK breaking new ground with lesbians in cartoons!!" When all that really happened was they touched hands and someone from the show had to literally come out and say, "Yeah, that totally means they're gay for each other now." Maybe they might continue the relationship in a LoK comic series, but even still, the lack of effort is still there in the show.

And this is coming from someone who is a fan of the series, but just really disappointed and somewhat betrayed in how they decided to end it.


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