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Kickass Username
Kickass Username

in reply to

I'm rather glad they're delaying it. I felt the Game Awards showing was underwhelming with Game Pad usage ("So here's a mini map and you can set waypoints. As you can see, the team has been working really hard on this game.") I'm liking the whole "new ideas" thing Aonuma mentioned. Even if it means revamping entire mechanics, areas, whatever, I'm sure it will turn out great. Nintendo wouldn't delay a much-hyped game like this without a reason.

Kickass Username
Kickass Username

in reply to JJTGG

Personally, I think they revealed the source of your avatar way too early. Nintendo knows they have a habit of delaying Zelda and they should have expected that and waited until this year's E3 or at least a more recent Direct (it would have been epic if they'd done it alongside Majora's Mask 3D, actually. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.). However I do think the fact that they won't show this game at E3 is BS. They messed up in revealing this game too early, and fans (especially the younger, simple-minded ones) are blue-balled because of it. I at least want a title, but they'll probably even change the story or MacGuffins to bar that. It sounds like they're making drastic changes to the game to justify delaying it by what could be up to half a year.


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