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Apple - Paid for and brought to you by apple

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>I am so good at tolerating Apple
>everything else is so… ugly and clunky

I have to give credit to the guy, though: I wasn't aware that two-finger swiping was a thing (I have an Asus whatever, but the indicated gestures DO work here. That's real fuckin' neato if you ask me).

>this year I received The Best Christmas Present Ever: it was a thirteen-inch MacBook Air
>Apple Computer Corporation: they know how to make you feel good about opening a box and booting up one of their products for the first time. I'd needed a new computer for a while, and here it was.

Seriously guys, you should read some of it, at least starting from the "parents" part. Just look for the word "dad" and start from there. It goes full IBM-disappoint-dad-and-appleboo-son from that point.

A bit of boring stuff afterwards, then things start getting hilarious again with GODDAMN SWIPE MAYRO BRAHS.

>"You duck by slipping two fingers to the right. You throw fireballs by tapping three fingers anywhere on the pad."
>"It works better than a Nintendo controller."

Now that's what I call heresy.


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