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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Cheslav the Communist Bear

Indeed, the recent Iwata Asks for the game even said that the Inklings are Nintendo EAD's first new characters to be created since Pikmin, and given this is NOT a Miyamoto made game (he's busy working on the new Star Fox and a couple smaller projects like Project Guard and Giant Robot) the fact Nintendo's got such high confidence in it is definitely even more telling on how much faith they have in it.

To be honest the amount of attention Nintendo's giving this game is the sort of attention I wish they gave The Wonderful 101 when it came out in 2013 (another new IP published by Nintendo, though this one was made by Platinum Games, and at one point was going to be a Smash Bros. spin-off before Nintendo also suggested keeping it as a new IP). Granted Nintendo's kinda been giving W101 a little more attention as of late what with the trophies in Smash and giving away free downloads of it to Club Nintendo Platinum members, but I just wish it got Splatoon levels of attention during the point in time when the Wii U was in need of more high quality software and hardware sales (sales of the console didn't start to truly pick up until 2014 with the releases of DKC: Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, and Smash 4, though Super Mario 3D World in late 2013 helped too).


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