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GamerGate - On Today's Episode of Ranting with McIntosh

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Okay! This is 2 McChintoshy 4 me!

He is essientially saying advertising anything that shows off awesome gameplay is bad for fear that somebody might imitate it.

Two Things:
1) Isn't the whole point of playing video games to do all of this over the top things without having to actually do it in real life.
2) Only kids (and really immature adults) will imitate that stuff they play from video games; even though I am pretty sure there are kids (and man children) who are reasonable enough to know that all this is fake and shouldn't be emulated. Way to talk down the audience. Now that I think about imitating video games . . .
3) Shouldn't it be good for people to emulate the things they see from sports and brain teaser games? Essentially if it's bad to imitate the actions of all video game characters, would that mean the games that will influence people to be active in body and mind are also terrible? How progressive.

In short, Full McChintosh at its finest. All talk, and no substance.


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