Had enough | GamerGate | Know Your Meme
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1101 Views Created 9 years ago By Evilthing • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Evilthing • Updated 6 years ago

I've Had Enough (self.KotakulnAction) submitted 9 hours ago by McNastyFilth 149 Hello everybody, I just need to get some s--- off my chest as I've been following this whole ordeal for the past year now and I'm done lurking. The recent events over at Reddit and the nonsensical repetition of history with Anita Sarkeesian and her anti-violence tweets regarding DooM have pushed me over the line. I'm sick and tired of being demonized by what seems like a vocal minority but goddamn are they loud. Who am 1? I'm a f------ gamer and I've been a gamer for the past 20 something years of my life. I sat besides my brother when he first booted up Wolfenstein and DooM on our shitbox computer. I've been gaming ever since. I never stopped and never will. We are NOT dead and f--- these trolls for claiming we are seeing people silenced over mild dissent on forums like NeoGaf.I's within power. It's also within my rights to tell them to sit on it. I'm sick of being told that I can't possibly have anything to add to a conversation regarding the failure of "journalism" (laughable at best in 2015) because I'm a CIS white guy AND a shitlord to boot. I'm sick of having these egotistical brainwashed scabs incite hate between members of what should be something that's done for FUN. Gaming is SUPPOSED to be FUN. Leave your artistic b------- dribble at the door and remember that art defines itself! Growing up" has f--- all to do with being considered an art form. Who the f--- actually cares about the distinction anyway? Leave it to some pseudo intellectuals to define that s---. I'm sick of all the lies being propagated about who these "mysterious" gamers are. How evil and sexist they are. How they're out to get these poor victims of some sort of unwarranted harassment. (I'm looking at you Wu, you t---) There's no power in being a victim unless if you've designed your entire existence on abusing others in one form or another I'm sick of being called a "neo-conservative" or "right wing for calling out blatant censorship and ethical failures in reporting How in the purple f--- does that even remotely even make sense? Why is that even relevant? Is this some kind of pitiful tactic of guilt by association? Like being someone from the "right wing" automatically makes you some kind of a monster? Only children and ignorant trolls would fuel conversations with logic like that. Sorry, that's the end of my rant. I'm glad there are people out there who are fighting the good fight and I'm here to stay ht wing" for calling out blatant censorship and ethical failures in reporting. 42 comments save source
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