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GamerGate - "Pandering to the consumer", or What The Fuck Is A Market

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The Sovjet Cat
The Sovjet Cat

"Pandering to the Consumer"

Dear fucking god.
It's clear aGG consists mostly of indie/Kickstarter amateurs with little to no knowledge on actual game development. It's great that people can create project with a funding alternative to big bank suits, but some marketing knowledge is required. I've been in a Game Art study for almost 4 years now but even I have been told and realize that ; If you intent to sell a product, you must make said product appealing to those who you're trying to sell it to.

"Pandering to the consumer" is all you can bloody do with commercial game making. If you don't want to pander, expect to get little to no funding for creating your product, nor any sufficient sales for a independant company. Or any company, really.

Black Graphic T
Black Graphic T

> Fallout 4 completely changing the interface of how the player makes their character, interacts with the world using their character, and sets the backstory for their character.
> Not taking any chances.

Sorry they couldn't make all their games mobile exclusive. It must take guts to make a phone game, like wu here.


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