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Handset plugged into the cellphone
Mildly Interesting
This bank was once a restaurant
Mildly Interesting
A sprout in the brush
Mildly Interesting
Rice standing up once cooked
Mildly Interesting
Two in one
Mildly Interesting
Signs specifying if the windows can be opened
Mildly Interesting
Stuffed flavour pack in the ramen dog toy
Mildly Interesting
This uranium glass swan
Mildly Interesting
Couch came with an empty box
Mildly Interesting
One lens is different
Mildly Interesting
One knot is drawn wrong
Mildly Interesting
Perfect condensation
Mildly Interesting
The shampoo froze and formed those
Mildly Interesting
The missing piece blends with the table
Mildly Interesting
Snow won't stick to this circle on the road
Mildly Interesting
The floors match the shoes
Mildly Interesting
Fortune cookie came with a coupon
Mildly Interesting
New cheese has fingerprints
Mildly Interesting
All of these hearing aid batteries at the retirement home
Mildly Interesting
This is a fibre optic cable landing point
Mildly Interesting