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Image # 4 - The oldest of all

At First, I Was Like, But Then, I Was Like
I'm gonna violate you!

At First, I Was Like, But Then, I Was Like
The god damn Batman

At First, I Was Like, But Then, I Was Like
My dick

Bitches Don't Know
Pirate Movies Steal Music

Advice Dog
She's 18, go for it

Advice Dog
Smoke Meth, Steal Shit

Advice Dog
Fuck it, we'll do it live

Advice Dog
It's Simple, Kill the Batman

Advice Dog
Be unique, dress the same

Advice Dog
Start World War III. Welcome back Jesus

Advice Dog
First I was like... but then I got raped

Advice Dog
If GOVT was /b/ Palin would be a Newfag

Advice Dog
save miney, kill hookers

Advice Dog

FAIL / Epic Fail

FAIL / Epic Fail