12 Views Created November 06, 2014 By Seymour Butz • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Seymour Butz • Updated March 23, 2023

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"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Pac-Man"

Origin Entry: Pac-Man


A parody of "Taxman" by The Beatles, this was never actually released on any of Al's albums; it's from when he was in college & sending songs to Dr. Demento's radio show.


A very obviously fan-made video for "Pac-Man," a rare song by "Weird Al" Yankovic (parody of "Taxman" by The Beatles). Could've been a lot worse if I didn't have Photoshop or Imageready… but it doesn't matter. The reason I made this was to let the good people listen to the song.

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