146 Views • Created May 31, 2015 By IgoodforanimeI • Updated May 31, 2015 Share →
Created By IgoodforanimeI • Updated May 31, 2015
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Fate/hollow ataraxia for PS VITA opening1
[Spoilers Herein]
Fate/hollow ataraxia has always held a special place in my heart because it gives an unambiguously happy ending to those who were involved in the fifth grail war. All the suffering meant something and a corrupted grail that could only ever take life was able to give life, not just to those in the modern era but those who had lived before, and suffered horribly.
Song is "broKen NIGHT" by Aimer.
Removing any poeticisms, the majority of the Servants had pretty s----- lives and this Visual Novel just shows them living happy normal lives with those that they've come to care for in the modern era. It's pretty nice.
Fate/hollow ataraxia for PS VITA opening1 BGM : Aimer -broKen NIGHT Copyright ⓒ by Type-Moon/KADOKAWA SHOTEN
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