36 Views Created June 06, 2016 By vlogbrothers • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By vlogbrothers • Updated March 23, 2023

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Brazil's Government is Falling Apart...and it's Good News?


Published on Mar 18, 2016
During the presidency of Lula Da Silva, billions of dollars in bribes were taken to allow construction companies to overcharge the government-owned oil company, Petrobras. Now, Brazil has corruption, but it's actually pretty good for a developing country. But the people of Brazil have come to expect more, and they have been left down.

Thanks to
Alex Cuadros: https://twitter.com/alexcuadros
Rafael Prince: https://twitter.com/rafaelprince
And all of the Nerdfighters at Nerdfighters Brasil on Facebook.

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During the presidency of Lula Da Silva, billions of dollars in bribes were taken to allow construction companies to overcharge the government-owned oil company, Petrobras. Now, Brazil has corruption, but it's actually pretty good for a developing country. But the people of Brazil have come to expect more, and they have been left down.

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