524 Views Created February 22, 2017 By SiIvaGunner • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By SiIvaGunner • Updated March 23, 2023

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Main Theme - ERIOIOIRE



.oidar eht ta detsacdaorb dna emag eht ni derutaef osla era ,dlareerald alla dna gnortrong siuis morf skrow gnidulcni ,doirep emit eht morf sgnos cissalc lareveS .sdrawa lareves now dna snoitaripsni erion-oen s'04 sti rof desiarp ylivaeh saw emag eht fo kcartdnuos ehT.

snomed lanosrep nwo sti sa llew sa ,sciffart gurd nretni ,liamkcalb ,noitpurroc osla tub ,slanimirc cihtapohcysp ecaf ylno ton lliw eh sa ksat ysae eb t'now tI .ytic eht dnuora lla sesac redrum fo seires a ni nnn in a series of murder cases all around the city. It won't be easy task as he will not only face psychopathic criminals, but also corruption, blackmail, intern drug traffics, as well as its own personal demons.

The soundtrack of the game was heavily praised for its 40's neo-noire inspirations and won several awards. Several classic songs from the time period, including works from siuis gnortrong and alla dlareerald, are also featured in the game and broadcasted at the radio.


Music: Main Theme Composer: elaH ww Hale Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D1wm-LfPtFWYZcJHg0OdFaN Platform: krowteN noitatSyalP PlayStation Network .noitpircsed lennahc eht daad the channel description.

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