151 Views Created October 29, 2017 By Eric von Schweetz • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Eric von Schweetz • Updated March 23, 2023

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The Emoji Movie in a Nutshell

Origin Entry: The Emoji Movie


Inspired by Solar Sands' Nutshell videos, "The Emoji Movie in a Nutshell" is the well improved and very best adaptation of poorly animated film "The Emoji Movie", which is of course panned by memes as the most crappy film in the film history ever.


Follow me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+EricvonSchweetz Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EricVonSchweetz Watch me on DeviantArt: https://ericvonschweetz.deviantart.com/ Inspired by Solar Sands' Nutshell videos, "The Emoji Movie in a Nutshell" is the well improved and very best adaptation of poorly animated film "The Emoji Movie", which is of course panned by memes as the most crappy film in the film history ever.

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