177 Views Created June 09, 2018 By Mitchell Hang • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Mitchell Hang • Updated March 23, 2023

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Steamed Hams but it's on VHS and when someone says "steam" or "ham" it suffers from generation loss

Origin Entry: Steamed Hams


EDIT: Added a guide for the VHS generations that shows up when you click the CC button. Also, check out this video's sequel: https://youtu.be/Sy3q2Qh5-WA [Full title: Steamed Hams but it's recorded and played back multiple times on two VHS cassettes through two VCRs, the first few seconds are missing, and when someone says 'steam' or 'ham' the quality gets worse] (EARRAPE & SEIZURE WARNING: This video may contain flashing images and loud noises, so watch this video at your own risk.)

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