63 Views Created February 18, 2019 By Step Back History • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Step Back History • Updated March 23, 2023

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How the Right Keeps Tricking Democrats

Origin Entry: Ilhan Omar


Published on Feb 14, 2019
Ilhan Omar dared point out that AIPAC wields a lot of influence over American politicians. Despite AIPAC literally bragging about this in the past, it led to a deluge of attacks on Omar from the Republicans AND Democrats. So, let's talk about manufactured controversies and political gaslighting.

Crash Course Navigating Digital Information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4aNmd…

I also realized too late that many of these ideas have also been discussed in a Thought Slime video from back in November of 2018, which you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk8Cs…

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Ilhan Omar dared point out that AIPAC wields a lot of influence over American politicians. Despite AIPAC literally bragging about this in the past, it led to a deluge of attacks on Omar from the Republicans AND Democrats. So, let's talk about manufactured controversies and political gaslighting.

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