12 Views • Created July 27, 2020 By 🌪️ Slice Typhoon • Updated July 27, 2020 Share →
Created By 🌪️ Slice Typhoon • Updated July 27, 2020
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Peter hurts his knee x Jet Set Radio
I've decided since nobody was going to do it, I would do it instead! I know how a crossfader works too from being a former DJ, lol. God bless your life @Hideki_Naganuma.@KAINONAUT thank you for introducing me to the man with the plan. #JSRF #FamilyGuy #funky #moments https://t.co/JUyyZALgmO pic.twitter.com/G8vY9S1VEL
— 🌪️ Slice Typhoon (@SliceTyphoon) February 4, 2020
Origin Entry:
Hideki Naganuma
I've decided since nobody was going to do it, I would do it instead! I know how a crossfader works too from being a former DJ, lol. God bless your life Hideki_Naganuma.
KAINONAUT thank you for introducing me to the man with the plan. #JSRF #FamilyGuy #funky #moments https://t.co/JUyyZALgmO pic.twitter.com/G8vY9S1VEL
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