348 Views • Created August 18, 2020 By Gimrak • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Gimrak • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Girls und Panzer in an Armor Piercing Nutshell
"You have an anti-tank rifle. There is a tank. Figure it out!"
"I told mama we'd see Elefants, Tigers, Panthers…she thought I was visiting Moscow Zoo…"
"Hey, assholes, we're Panzer Grenadiers, not Panzers!"
"I know it's technically impossible to fire a Panzerschreck from an closed position. Don't read the f------ manual next time and you won't care so much."
"Those Americans are always complaining about pioneer spam"
"Gunner point the turret up at that camera in the sky."
"You can count on Osttruppen… No really, you can!"
"You may fire at will, but not at Will. He owes me money"
"Did it start to rain or is it infantry shooting us again?"
Can we go back to having funny and less serious s--- in my games please? I feel video games have been far to moody lately.
They play it the company way
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