426 Views Created September 19, 2020 By Alan Aztec • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Alan Aztec • Updated March 23, 2023

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Alan Aztec - Disco Panzer (feat. R5on11c)

Origin Entry:


Here's the english translation of the lyrics:

Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!
Yeah, this is my disco tank, with a 40 thousand kilowatt bass canon.
24 tons of tank steel are rolling right through the environmental zone.

In the right hand a tankard of beer, in the left hand a bayonet.
And if the tank driver doesn't pay attention, he mashes you into minced meat.
Music in the tank, that's good!
Beer in the tank, wonderful!

300 Horsepower, that's good!
Perfect clearance, wonderful!

Music in the tank, that's good!
Beer in the tank, wonderful!

300 Horsepower, that's good!
Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!
Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!
Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!
Disco tank, that's good!
Music in the tank, that's good!
Beer in the tank, wonderful!

300 Horsepower, that's good!
Perfect clearance, wonderful!

Music in the tank, that's good!
Beer in the tank, wonderful!

300 Horsepower, that's good!
[ ]
(The) subwoofer on 100 Herz, shatters your window glasses.
Precision german engineering. The tank throws the party.

From the boxes flows a sea of sound, the masses drown in hardbass.
The disco tank doesn't stop, the entire city turns into a party bunker.
Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!
Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!
Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!
Dis-Di-Di-Dis-Dis-Disco tank!


OUT NOW: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/5cwUKZ51rxQWjFNtWT13M8?si=7SNDoEaLRWu8UJj1YinF2Q Vocals and Artwork by R5on11c INSTA: https://www.instagram….

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