2395 Views Created January 10, 2012 • Updated March 23, 2023

Created • Updated March 23, 2023

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구갈중학교 Winter Camp 2012: Daft Punk Style

Origin Entry: Daft Hands


My middle school 1st graders were phenomenal at winter camp. We did Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger." This took almost the whole 90 minute class. The part that took the longest was making the signs.

First, I showed them the "Daft Hands" video (http://youtu.be/UPq1_9DsLKk).

Then, I showed them a video of another school in Korea doing the same task. (http://youtu.be/O3h8O7hZ_jk)

I mapped out the seats/words, so after they sat according to the seating chart (attached), we read the lyrics off a lyrics site. Everyone read them together, slowly and then sped up while moving their word signs.

Finally, we put it to music with a video of just the lyrics: (http://youtu.be/LFfS4p3Tl0k)

After practicing a few times, we recorded our own video!! Please check it out!


My 7th graders doing a word project at Winter Camp to "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger." I don't own any of Daft Punk's music, no copyright infringement intended. I'm just a teacher trying to educate my students in the best way I know how: with music!

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