314 Views Created January 30, 2023 By Dalibors Videos • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Dalibors Videos • Updated March 23, 2023

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Whassup - from the original commercial

Origin Entry:


Clip from the famous Bud Light commercial from 1999 called Whassup, also Wassup, Whazzup, True true etc.

The Whassup campaign for Anheuser-Busch / Bud light was developed by DDB Chicago (CD Bob Scarpelli, Copy Charles Stone III, AD Chuck Taylor, Production C&C Storm Films, Director Charles Stone III) to attract younger target groups. The idea was simple and seemed silly first but was in fact genius:

After it was first aired in December 1999, it almost immediately became a hit and different parodies began to use the phrase, from Saturday Night Live to homemade online videos. The ad series was one of the most acclaimed and popular commercial campaigns in modern advertising history, won almost every major award and became a cultural catchphrase. It won the Cannes Grand Prix and the Grand Clio awards, and was parodied in Scary Movie in 2000, years later also by Annoying Orange and others. It ran from 1999 to 2002 and is still famous today.

If you like to know more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whassup%3F


Clip from the famous Bud Light commercial from 1999 called Whassup, also Wassup, Whazzup etc.

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