27 Views • Created December 03, 2023 By Supper Mario Broth • Updated December 03, 2023 Share →
Created By Supper Mario Broth • Updated December 03, 2023
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Negative space entity Tiny Kong
Through a complex series of glitches in Donkey Kong 64, it is possible for Tiny Kong to become a negative space entity. Instead of merely being invisible, she creates a void in water and shadows around her, appearing as a "hole in reality". pic.twitter.com/0QXPotAsSo
— Supper Mario Broth (@MarioBrothBlog) December 3, 2023
Origin Entry:
Donkey Kong
Full sequence of glitches that must be performed in order to turn Tiny Kong into a void:
Through a complex series of glitches in Donkey Kong 64, it is possible for Tiny Kong to become a negative space entity. Instead of merely being invisible, she creates a void in water and shadows around her, appearing as a "hole in reality". pic.twitter.com/0QXPotAsSo
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