132 Views Created June 03, 2011 By Bunbun5789 • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Bunbun5789 • Updated March 23, 2023

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Minecraft: Herobrine forest fire

Origin Entry: Herobrine


As stated in the video DO NOT QUOTE ME ABOUT HEROBRINE BEING REAL OR NOT Anyway I spawned on a island with a bunch o' trees so I named it "Treetop Island" because you were on a bunch of tree tops so I go to collect a buttload of wood and as I do so I realize "Hey I'll build a house in the ocean" so I do on my 2nd day at my dock house I realize I need resources other than wood so I go to the island that is the one in the video as I collect stone I realize my wood pick axe died so I head back home.

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