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Its time to have the talk

Last posted Nov 30, 2013 at 03:38PM EST. Added Nov 26, 2013 at 09:01PM EST
32 posts from 17 users

I knew Obamacare would be a gigantic clusterfuck the second it was passed, not because it was from Obama or the Democrats, but because it was from the government. Everything the government does is horribly bloated and ineffective.

It really has been hilarious seeing it all implode. It's like they went down a checklist of "How to give the Republicans as many seats in congress as possible" and just started on it. Having the President lie to the public's face on dozens of occasions? Check. Have the "affordable" plans be hundreds of dollars more than per month then what people can afford? Check. Showing the public just how great the government is running a website when two programmers and a few weeks set up a site that didn't implode? Check.

The part I like the most is going onto The Huffington Post and MSNBC and reading the comments. Watching in silent glee as they blame the Republicans for a bill passed with only Democrats. Sadly, my happiness is short-lived as I remember that the second the Repubs gain control (if they do, February sweeps are coming up and that means the "informed" voters will soon forget about actual issues to focus on what x is doing with y), it'll be all for nought as the debt will continue to balloon, the government continue to expand (more military!), and the future continue to look just as bleak as it does now as Congress continues to ignore the voters and instead focus on those who donate to the PACs.

xTSGx wrote:

I knew Obamacare would be a gigantic clusterfuck the second it was passed, not because it was from Obama or the Democrats, but because it was from the government. Everything the government does is horribly bloated and ineffective.

It really has been hilarious seeing it all implode. It's like they went down a checklist of "How to give the Republicans as many seats in congress as possible" and just started on it. Having the President lie to the public's face on dozens of occasions? Check. Have the "affordable" plans be hundreds of dollars more than per month then what people can afford? Check. Showing the public just how great the government is running a website when two programmers and a few weeks set up a site that didn't implode? Check.

The part I like the most is going onto The Huffington Post and MSNBC and reading the comments. Watching in silent glee as they blame the Republicans for a bill passed with only Democrats. Sadly, my happiness is short-lived as I remember that the second the Repubs gain control (if they do, February sweeps are coming up and that means the "informed" voters will soon forget about actual issues to focus on what x is doing with y), it'll be all for nought as the debt will continue to balloon, the government continue to expand (more military!), and the future continue to look just as bleak as it does now as Congress continues to ignore the voters and instead focus on those who donate to the PACs.

Fools. How dare you criticize our great nation's government. When the inevitable collapse of the world comes around, the only thing that will be standing between your pudgy, weak flesh and the filthy barbarian hordes is the glorious American Military.

xTSGx wrote:

I knew Obamacare would be a gigantic clusterfuck the second it was passed, not because it was from Obama or the Democrats, but because it was from the government. Everything the government does is horribly bloated and ineffective.

It really has been hilarious seeing it all implode. It's like they went down a checklist of "How to give the Republicans as many seats in congress as possible" and just started on it. Having the President lie to the public's face on dozens of occasions? Check. Have the "affordable" plans be hundreds of dollars more than per month then what people can afford? Check. Showing the public just how great the government is running a website when two programmers and a few weeks set up a site that didn't implode? Check.

The part I like the most is going onto The Huffington Post and MSNBC and reading the comments. Watching in silent glee as they blame the Republicans for a bill passed with only Democrats. Sadly, my happiness is short-lived as I remember that the second the Repubs gain control (if they do, February sweeps are coming up and that means the "informed" voters will soon forget about actual issues to focus on what x is doing with y), it'll be all for nought as the debt will continue to balloon, the government continue to expand (more military!), and the future continue to look just as bleak as it does now as Congress continues to ignore the voters and instead focus on those who donate to the PACs.

So the crux of your argument is the government is terrible for attempting to fix something that's broken, ignoring that some good has come out of it, and that absolutely every part of the government is an irreparable bureaucratic mess.

Good, good. Let the strawman flow through you.

Last edited Nov 27, 2013 at 02:40AM EST

Cale wrote:

Fools. How dare you criticize our great nation's government. When the inevitable collapse of the world comes around, the only thing that will be standing between your pudgy, weak flesh and the filthy barbarian hordes is the glorious American Military.

Interesting fact; The american Military has over 2,000,000 troops.

Iran and Brazil has 2,000,000 troops nearly.

The world's largest army is North Korea at 10,000,000 troops with leading armies of Vietnam, South Korea, and China with 5,000,000 troops.

There is no relevance in this interesting fact.

Kung Fu Cthulhu said:

So the crux of your argument is the government is terrible for attempting to fix something that’s broken, ignoring that some good has come out of it, and that absolutely every part of the government is an irreparable bureaucratic mess.

What I'm saying is the government should have never done this in the first place because the government sucks at running things. The post office (two billion in debt and counting), the military (F-22, Zumwalt class) , the GSA, and, of course, Obamacare. That's just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

Let the strawman flow through you.

A strawman fallacy occurs when someone takes an opposition and attacks an exaggeration of that opposition. Since I'm opposing a bloated and ineffective government, and have listed several well known examples of said bloated and ineffective government, I'm curious to know how that's a exaggeration.

Last edited Nov 27, 2013 at 07:26AM EST

Although I do classify myself as a right leaning independent, I think that health-care for everyone is a good idea. I just think that the president failed on how he shipped it. I mean, how do you not know that hundreds of thousands of people would visit the site in the first few days?

xTSGx wrote:

Kung Fu Cthulhu said:

So the crux of your argument is the government is terrible for attempting to fix something that’s broken, ignoring that some good has come out of it, and that absolutely every part of the government is an irreparable bureaucratic mess.

What I'm saying is the government should have never done this in the first place because the government sucks at running things. The post office (two billion in debt and counting), the military (F-22, Zumwalt class) , the GSA, and, of course, Obamacare. That's just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

Let the strawman flow through you.

A strawman fallacy occurs when someone takes an opposition and attacks an exaggeration of that opposition. Since I'm opposing a bloated and ineffective government, and have listed several well known examples of said bloated and ineffective government, I'm curious to know how that's a exaggeration.

Well historically our government is good at running things and I wouldn't exactly say they are the worse thing ever since our states represent them through our Republic which in turn reflect most us in theory.

While it is true our government is currently infamous for incompetence and other nastily little wonders, we haven't gotten so bad that they cannot function. If the government was that incompetent, federal law could and would be ignored and our states would become literal independent countries. Since the glorious Michigan empire has not conquered the Ohio heathens, I am going to say our government is still working.

Chickenhound the Cruel wrote:

Well historically our government is good at running things and I wouldn't exactly say they are the worse thing ever since our states represent them through our Republic which in turn reflect most us in theory.

While it is true our government is currently infamous for incompetence and other nastily little wonders, we haven't gotten so bad that they cannot function. If the government was that incompetent, federal law could and would be ignored and our states would become literal independent countries. Since the glorious Michigan empire has not conquered the Ohio heathens, I am going to say our government is still working.

I think 80% of the problems in America actually come from the states themselves.

I think I must be one of the few in a developed nation who ended up never having the 'talk' you guys were thinking of.

I found out that stuff in public education, I never actively asked the question.

Anyway, Obamacare… I don't really care, to be honest. I am in the UK, not the US.

Sweatie Killer wrote:

I think 80% of the problems in America actually come from the states themselves.

Kind of.

The problem with the Federal government that it often tries to implant generic rules and laws to american culture. . .

Which is made up of strong sub cultures, views, religious relevances, and languages.

I always believed the states are better running their own counties, since lets all face it, our Federal Government is a tiny plot of land in Virginia which has about as much centralization as a emperor roach commanding cats. I never believed a texan problem should have a major gash in say Michigan or Oregon, like paying for border security or paying for Texan welfare.

Then again the last time we allowed states many forms of power, half of them revolted in one of the most bloody wars in history over "Dixieland!", and prevented the Toledo war from becoming full blown revolt.

Tl;dr Nothing is perfect.

Chickenhound the Cruel wrote:

Interesting fact; The american Military has over 2,000,000 troops.

Iran and Brazil has 2,000,000 troops nearly.

The world's largest army is North Korea at 10,000,000 troops with leading armies of Vietnam, South Korea, and China with 5,000,000 troops.

There is no relevance in this interesting fact.

We also have thousands of planes and hundreds of warships.

Chickenhound the Cruel wrote:

Kind of.

The problem with the Federal government that it often tries to implant generic rules and laws to american culture. . .

Which is made up of strong sub cultures, views, religious relevances, and languages.

I always believed the states are better running their own counties, since lets all face it, our Federal Government is a tiny plot of land in Virginia which has about as much centralization as a emperor roach commanding cats. I never believed a texan problem should have a major gash in say Michigan or Oregon, like paying for border security or paying for Texan welfare.

Then again the last time we allowed states many forms of power, half of them revolted in one of the most bloody wars in history over "Dixieland!", and prevented the Toledo war from becoming full blown revolt.

Tl;dr Nothing is perfect.

I disagree, Americans can get along despite being a continent apart from each other. We really have a consistent multicultural culture compared to many countries. I think people don't really care about politics in states and that is the great source of the problems in America, I can't really prove it, but I'd assume people not knowing the name of their governors to be a pretty good indicator.

@Dr. Coolface
They're spread across the entire world. It's like spreading your jam too thin. God forbid if one of our carriers hits an iceberg.

Sweatie Killer wrote:

I disagree, Americans can get along despite being a continent apart from each other. We really have a consistent multicultural culture compared to many countries. I think people don't really care about politics in states and that is the great source of the problems in America, I can't really prove it, but I'd assume people not knowing the name of their governors to be a pretty good indicator.

@Dr. Coolface
They're spread across the entire world. It's like spreading your jam too thin. God forbid if one of our carriers hits an iceberg.

State politics is often over glanced in the ignorance that the President has complete power of some kind. Its like when the liberals blamed Bush for every small thing in his presidency and when republicans did the same to Obama during the current administration, virtually having no one focus or care about state elections.

We as americans do have a smilier culture and we are currently working out well with each other, but I wouldn't call it 'getting along'. On a personal note, the Yuppers (North Michigan Peninsula Folk) hate the Trolls (Slang for Southern Michiganders for living below the bridge) and there had been talks in trying to form State Superior which would combine the northern peninsula with Wisconsin.

I mean, it isn't as bad as say it is with the Basque and the general whole of Spain bad, but it is worrisome when Dixieland is drawing it's lines again and the subcultures are trying to create new states like when Eastern Europe were forming new independent nations before WW1. Then again, I am probably just a raving mad drunk.

Happy Thankgiving.

Chickenhound the Cruel wrote:

State politics is often over glanced in the ignorance that the President has complete power of some kind. Its like when the liberals blamed Bush for every small thing in his presidency and when republicans did the same to Obama during the current administration, virtually having no one focus or care about state elections.

We as americans do have a smilier culture and we are currently working out well with each other, but I wouldn't call it 'getting along'. On a personal note, the Yuppers (North Michigan Peninsula Folk) hate the Trolls (Slang for Southern Michiganders for living below the bridge) and there had been talks in trying to form State Superior which would combine the northern peninsula with Wisconsin.

I mean, it isn't as bad as say it is with the Basque and the general whole of Spain bad, but it is worrisome when Dixieland is drawing it's lines again and the subcultures are trying to create new states like when Eastern Europe were forming new independent nations before WW1. Then again, I am probably just a raving mad drunk.

Happy Thankgiving.

I agree, I grew up hating Bush quite a bit, but over the years I still hated him. Now an actually argument appeared for him, and I can actually see why he took the actions he took. I really don't want to get too far into the topic.

Europe is a nest of hatred for everything in my opinion. They hate America, and most of them don't even know anything about America.

The south is like a third world country. Florida is the most laughable state I've have ever lived in, and now I hear it's even worse. Either way, I would not worry about it, the biggest industry that they have are old moonshine factories. Honestly, I wish they would leave the union and stop mooching off us California master race type.


Last edited Nov 28, 2013 at 08:13AM EST

@sweatie killer
it's kind of weird, but I think most floridians (at least the ones i see every day) don't consider ''real'' south. Besides, its not our fault we have the stupidest criminals, and things have actually GOTTEN BETTER.Employment is below the national average, we're not in debt, and we have a good state congress that fucks up 300% lest than the national government. The south that acts like the south is everyone in the south but Florida (except for our really weird and stupid criminals.)

phew. typed all of that on the Wii U Gamepad.

The problem with "Obamacare" is that it not a great fix. The thing was, the original goal of the reform was to transform the system into a single-payer system like most industrialized countries…but because of the way the government is set up here. Obamacare does not solve all of the problems, and it's implementation with the exchanges should have been done better.

Honestly, PPACA is a great thing, yet it's got it's kinks, but those will get worked out too.

This video is a bit dated, but sums up the general idea.

American Civics

I really do like to read up on this stuff, yet there is no real use for it in life except for passing tests. I just use factual information for trolling schemes.

Shit post shit post shit post shit post shit post shitpost

Last edited Nov 29, 2013 at 11:27AM EST

Sweatie Killer wrote:

Honestly, PPACA is a great thing, yet it's got it's kinks, but those will get worked out too.

This video is a bit dated, but sums up the general idea.

American Civics

I really do like to read up on this stuff, yet there is no real use for it in life except for passing tests. I just use factual information for trolling schemes.

Shit post shit post shit post shit post shit post shitpost

Personally I thought this was terrible political tripe to begin with with how it was presented to us. As I quote from the great Pelosi about this bill;

"You have to pass it in order to read it."

I think this entire plan was doomed for the start with numberless people saying they would lose their insurance and those with insurance would be kicked in the nuts with rising costs. The bill was not comfortable for anyone, and when half of the country of republicans like myself are not very happy with one small little event after another, it built up so bad there is no way he could have passed any reform without getting backlash and disunity.

There is also the problem with government oversight which was a major concern, since there are many government programs which are crippled with debt, incompetence, and general all around ignorance. Rather then fix these problems or wait for them to sort it out, the democratic congress passed laws left and right, none in which really worked well. Cash for Clunkers a old example.

If the democrats had been smart they would have done it slow and moved a direction one step at a time like all realistic politics are in a republic, but instead they are trying to steam roll these new reforms in like mad men, which is causing more problems then actual good.

Or as said, I am a raving drunk madman with a love of Redwall. Shitposting galore for everyone!


Chickenhound the Cruel wrote:

Personally I thought this was terrible political tripe to begin with with how it was presented to us. As I quote from the great Pelosi about this bill;

"You have to pass it in order to read it."

I think this entire plan was doomed for the start with numberless people saying they would lose their insurance and those with insurance would be kicked in the nuts with rising costs. The bill was not comfortable for anyone, and when half of the country of republicans like myself are not very happy with one small little event after another, it built up so bad there is no way he could have passed any reform without getting backlash and disunity.

There is also the problem with government oversight which was a major concern, since there are many government programs which are crippled with debt, incompetence, and general all around ignorance. Rather then fix these problems or wait for them to sort it out, the democratic congress passed laws left and right, none in which really worked well. Cash for Clunkers a old example.

If the democrats had been smart they would have done it slow and moved a direction one step at a time like all realistic politics are in a republic, but instead they are trying to steam roll these new reforms in like mad men, which is causing more problems then actual good.

Or as said, I am a raving drunk madman with a love of Redwall. Shitposting galore for everyone!


Republican? My god I sure hope I didn't hear that because there is only one true way to live, as a Democrat obviously. It started from tribalism, went to monarchy, then freedom, then dirty-ape like Republicans and then finally at long last there was Democrats. There is only one true way to live life and it's my way or the high way on these forums buddy. Do the Evolution.

I once read this book called Ishmael and in it, it declared that the Democrats were ultimate and final form of evolution. Embrace it or die out.

Last edited Nov 30, 2013 at 09:57AM EST

xTSGx wrote:

I knew Obamacare would be a gigantic clusterfuck the second it was passed, not because it was from Obama or the Democrats, but because it was from the government. Everything the government does is horribly bloated and ineffective.

It really has been hilarious seeing it all implode. It's like they went down a checklist of "How to give the Republicans as many seats in congress as possible" and just started on it. Having the President lie to the public's face on dozens of occasions? Check. Have the "affordable" plans be hundreds of dollars more than per month then what people can afford? Check. Showing the public just how great the government is running a website when two programmers and a few weeks set up a site that didn't implode? Check.

The part I like the most is going onto The Huffington Post and MSNBC and reading the comments. Watching in silent glee as they blame the Republicans for a bill passed with only Democrats. Sadly, my happiness is short-lived as I remember that the second the Repubs gain control (if they do, February sweeps are coming up and that means the "informed" voters will soon forget about actual issues to focus on what x is doing with y), it'll be all for nought as the debt will continue to balloon, the government continue to expand (more military!), and the future continue to look just as bleak as it does now as Congress continues to ignore the voters and instead focus on those who donate to the PACs.

Don't forget the Jews. You can't forget about the worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

Sweatie Killer wrote:

Republican? My god I sure hope I didn't hear that because there is only one true way to live, as a Democrat obviously. It started from tribalism, went to monarchy, then freedom, then dirty-ape like Republicans and then finally at long last there was Democrats. There is only one true way to live life and it's my way or the high way on these forums buddy. Do the Evolution.

I once read this book called Ishmael and in it, it declared that the Democrats were ultimate and final form of evolution. Embrace it or die out.

Evolution is a sin.


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