Just curious. Have you ever left a community and never came back to it and for what reasons?
I have to go with the Pokemon Showdown (Smogon) community. I just got tired of people calling me "an asshole" for just winning the games.
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Just curious. Have you ever left a community and never came back to it and for what reasons?
I have to go with the Pokemon Showdown (Smogon) community. I just got tired of people calling me "an asshole" for just winning the games.
Deviantart: Basically this was my first taste of internet drama. I watched somebody get bullied off from doing art ever again in spite of my efforts and really didn't feel at ease there anymore.
Gaia Online: So I lived in bliss and ignorance there but then came to realize the entire website was just a Free to Play MMO and I wouldn't ever really amount to anything if I wasn't able to actually buy stuff. Which I was like 14 at the time and didn't own a credit card yet. Though I wasn't really apart of the community I guess, I only joined because my friends where playing it.
Playeressence: What originally was just a comfortable safe haven for Nintendo Fans quickly got filled to the brim the the super-ultra hardcore insufferable ones. After 4 redesigns that made me sign up for 8 different accounts in attempt to actually use the site I just got up and quit.
Oh, forgot about DeviantArt.
Left it because Tumblr is a better alternative for me at least.
Yes, well kind of..
I left the true crime community after a personal falling out with some memefriends on kym. Which made me realize that i was being attracted to an idea i had formed about jeff weise, and not the actual person. And that i was a disturbed teen who needed help.
I still have a more psychological interest in them, like i still find them fascinating but not the same fangirling i used to do.
DeviantArt and MLP:FiM pretty much at the same time.
After Season 3 I was pretty pissed but then I realized for me it just felt done. The whole series just felt empty to me after that last episode. So I just stopped.
DeviantArt was more of me just cringing at my old work. My school also decided I needed to make one for a professional image. I just decided it would be easier to delete my account and make a new one even if I don't use it.
/b/ – Fucking annoying.
No, i was never part of a community up until KYM, for the most part i just lurked around on a shit ton of sites before i decided to join this one, i mean, yeah i had accounts before this one, but i never really got into the websites like that you know?
Gaia Online – I kind of just got bored. That and after I dropped out of college I had to work most of the time and felt my time could be better spent playing video games vs some forum that requires you to work for your own avatar
Katawa Shoujo forums – The community itself started to wane, and since the forums didn't allow any kind of discussion not related to the game, I feel like I talked about all I wanted to already.
I've left KYM several times. I have a habit of leaving a community as soon as it becomes apparent that I am well-known there. Moderation powers in particular will make me leave in a hurry; I have been a moderator on two large websites (KYM being one of them) and neither of those lasted much more than a week. Don't know why I do it, but I think I'm over it these days. KYM is the only one of those communities that I've come back to.
omg Gaia. That poor site is what our economy will look like if the liberals keep at it. I was so into zOMG! when it first came out and everybody played, it was so fun :( I still popped into the pkmn forums every now and then when X and Y came out but those are pretty dead too these days.
I'm not as active as I once was on tumblr, no real reason tho. Just haven't been making gifs or coloring lately. Haven't been keeping up with Supernatural lately either and that's like 1/3rd of the entire site. Sometimes that show is just so bad.
The undertale wiki because SJWs
Deviantart because SJWs
Tumblr because SJWs
SU wiki because SJWs
Almost every damn forum i've ever joined because assholes and SJWs
Myspace. Obvious reasons.
I left this star wars rping community hosted on fanfiction.net. They were pretty good at writing collaboratively, but the drama was soul draining. One person threatened suicide and dropped off for like a day, another kept freaking the fuck out and posting TL:DR rants about how everyone hates them because we didn't all rp as their made up races and didn't do their plots right. One guy just wanted to do nothing but talk about how cool The Raid was. Another had a heart condition that required a lot of check ups and stuff, and had the potential to turn bad, so that was real fun to hear about all the time. And then there was a guy who I swear must have been a robot who found out how to post, since all they ever wanted to do was play droids, write about how awful the new star wars movie looked like because of the lack of droids in the trailers, and actually argued about how it was bad writing to just blow up a planet with all the other players on it without having worked that detail out in advance and making a droid with infinite shields and the ability to make an army of battle droids in minutes and who killed everyone around them in one hit because "I don't believe in fair, I believe in logic".
After all of that, I just decided for my own health to bail.
Multiple forums for multiple reasons. Either assholes, inactivity, or cloppers.
I wrote a lot of A:TLA fanfiction when I was in middle school. Became quite well-known on that part of the Nickelodeon forums. The summer before highschool kept me too busy for fanfiction, and by the time highschool started I had lost interest.
I hopped off the Lion King ride a couple years back--not due to any drama or canon issues--but just because MLP was up and coming and I only have so much free time to spend.
While I didn't go to any fansites about it, Homestuck due to how it's essentially dead due to the "big" update coming.
Every GMOD community I've joined I've left at some point.
The Vinesauce community for me.
I actually remember when the chat there was tolerable, and there was a rather small amount of people there. Nowadays, it's just full of a bunch of annoying memers who still think Bonzi Buddy and corruptions are still funny.
Not to mention that replacing the the chantago chat with Twitch chat caused Twitch memes to merge with the chat, making nothing but annoying emoticons and such.
I honestly think the chat there should be removed completely nowadays, since it isn't pretty. To the point I avoid watching stuff there live now, and I just watch the Youtube records of their streams, with the comments disabled through browser extensions.
Vinesauce is a great stream (sorta), but the fandom around it is pretty bad.
ROBLOX, played it a lot years ago but I got tired of its insufferable community
Mecha Harambe wrote:
ROBLOX, played it a lot years ago but I got tired of its insufferable community
Somewhat similar but more along the lines of being bored. That and my account got banned thiugh I do have a spare account.
Gaia Online: Got hacked
Animal Crossing Forums: I grew too old to be trolling
Youtube: I grew too old to be trolling
World of Warcraft forums: I grew too old to be trolling
Look, I hate my internet past. I was an actual meme loving fuck who "XD You got trolled" and try to start fights with furries, homosexuals, people younger than me, weeaboos, whatever. I loved Encyclopedia Dramatica and followed it like the bible to find new memes and to channel my bullying towards someone new.
Like my emo/weeaboo phase back in middle/high school, it was just another phase that I eventually grew out of.
Look I did a lot of mean things once I dropped out of high school. Stupid things and a lot of missed chances to make some decent friends when I needed it the most.
Just glad I started a new slate on Know Your Meme and even Tumblr. Only reason I don't leave Know Your Meme, because I got friends here. So, no matter how much this site and the userbase annoys me, I'm gonna stay.
Many years ago I joined a SZS fans forum. It was a little forum with less than 20 users and I received a nice welcoming, but the community was so small I left in a couple weeks (I added some users to my MSN as friends though). I don't know if it still exists, but it was nice, just too small, not much activity.
/v/: I was tired of trolling in there
SZS fans forum: Same as the guy above of me the community was very small.
Yahoo Answers is the biggest one I remember. I hung out around mainly the gender studies and religion sections as any edgy teenager was and it was actually really fun. I met many legitimate internet friends and also generally had a lot of fun and trolling galore. I left because yahoo itself sucks I got blacklisted from their site basically. I wasn't straight up ip banned it's just anytime I made an account within a day it was suspended so I just gave up trying, I liked it so much I actually considered using proxies or tor to stay but decided it wasn't worth it.
I would have left eventually anyways probably but not as soon if the site didn't force me too. I got active in kym when I left though so that's a positive.
mspa wiki because i stopped reading homestuck lol
I have some pretty colourful stories about leaving communities.
I left pokecommunity because holy shit the people who are in their discussion threads are top tier cringe factor. Like. Seriously, they are fucking bad. You want cringe? Read the ferguson thread. Just. Holy fuck that thread.
The moderating team is also extremely hypocritical pieces of trash. They pretty much hate me because I'm racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic and ableist in their eyes. Let's put aside the fact that I'm a transgender bi man who writes code for blind people. Let's actually point out that a blind friend of mine posted a request for a walk through of a pokemon game for the blind, and a super mod closed the thread, telling him to "watch some videos on youtube".
After my buddy and our friend (who's actually gotten national attention for doing the same thing for LoZ) complained to the mods that they were unreasonable to close the thread, because there was no rule. Instead of admitting the fact that they aren't allowed because of the fact that it's more for discussion, they spend two whole pages pissing and moaning about how much an asshole these blind guys are for pointing out that they didn't follow the rules. What dicks!
I left deviantart, because I was –an edgy 18 year old dork who wrote about how SUCKY the PEOPLE WHO LIKE MULTICOLORED PONIES WERE– against the copyright policy. Yep. And I still am.
I only post a few pics under a few alts as random fodder, and even that was… wows ago.
I was a huge annoying faggot, it's seriously probably one of the biggest cringefests out there on me, besides having to actually put up with my shit in real life.
I temporarily left Golden Sun Realm even though I was a top poster because –I was an annoying teenager moron who pissed off other people– some of the people there were fucking assholes and completely retarded. And honestly both of these were true too, as when I returned, within a year most of them developed very quickly into extremely unlikable personalities. This is when the admin decided to pull the plug because all the moderators decided to act COMPLETELY RETARDED over something stupid nobody even remembers, and they proved that they were all stuck up assholes too (for the most part), and she never participated in forum drama so when she suddenly acts like that was the reason, people are losing their minds. Everyone realized that I was right about the moderators being cocks but they were cocks too so I don't even talk to most of them anymore. Some I'm still good friends with though.
Golden Sun Hacking Community on the other hand was the complete opposite. I was actually the other admin there for several years, and was always well respected among its very eclectic community. The other admin was never around so I was the one who really interacted with people, and we formed a really strong group of friends, and the nice thing about it was that pretty much everyone who actually posted for more than 2 weeks got along with each other.
Except for one person. Let's call her… Sol.
Sol was this woman who was, from the start, a very… "big personality" to be around. It's hard to put into words but she was the kind of person who had a ton of bark. Of course, like a lot of internet degenerates, she is a complete fucking piece of shit who acts like a moron all of the time and literally everyone hates.
So why not make her super moderator!
She actually wasn't that bad really, just a 20 or so old fan of the series at the time. But then she lost her super mod powers because she posted a rom link, which was a bannable offense. Then I got hired as admin.
And for 3 fucking years she treated me like goddamn potato salad because I wouldn't do everything she wanted. I mean, holy fuck, this woman was like a TODDLER. She wanted to turn the whole discussion forum about fucking ROM HACKING into her own goddamn RPG. I'm not even joking, it was retarded.
Instead, I did cool things like maintain the badge system and give a reason for posting on the forum and having fun in that way, because you know, anyone can enjoy having a bit of customization on their profile.
But that wasn't good enough for her. Instead she would bitch about how I haven't inserted the gigazillion Touhou badges of anime bait that all looks the same with different hair and things coming out of them. You know, because instead of the literally hundreds of badges she could have, her day was just FUCKIN ruined because she couldn't have this one.
Once I got to college I started to tone down my role, and usually only did fancy stuff for fun holidays, like April Fools. Last year, I turned all the profiles into slowpokes, so this year I went with a Homestuck theme, since I was into it at the time.
I fucked around and made April Fools go out to the 3rd, to which she came back and announced that "GUYS I was actually at a FUCKKING FUNERAL omg guys and this whole thing is mean because someone DIED!".
I told her to just leave to grieve if she's having that much of an issue because what we were doing didn't really involve her anyways but the other admin disagreed so he removed my admin powers and I left.
Admittedly, she's toned it down, but now it's just depressing. Now she just bitches about how she has no real life and how disabled her asperger's makes her, which really puts into perspective how blaming her problems on everything except her own actions has harmed her life.
I did eventually return but nowadays I'm no longer an admin and it took over a year and a half for me to return legitimately. Most of the time I just trolled the dumb bitch, and other admin would ban my alt, all of the other members would give me high five in the background and we'd plan our next drinking game.
tl;dr damn there are a lot of stupid people on the internet
Newgrounds. I used to love it when I was nine years old, but the originality and fun factor of the flash uploads were going through a serious decline since 2010. Eventually, I stopped giving a shit about the website and moved on.
They pretty much hate me because I’m racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic and ableist in their eyes
Pokecommunity sounds like a nice place.
RIP our pokemon RPers, they all migrated to a forum.
What if our Pokemon RPers migrated to Pokecommunity!?!?!??!
Yeah, I know. It's bad.
By the way, I forgot to ask the dude for the links. Here's the initial thread where the mod suggests instead he should look up videos randomly on youtube and hope they have good commentary (lol)
and here's the shitstorm that follows
I didn't find out about this incident until quite a while later, but it's pretty hilarious. Like fuck dude just LET HIM POST THE THREAD HE'S FUCKING BLIND YOU COCKS. If people don't want to participate they'll just ignore it.
I forgot to mention, Dragonfly Cave is also pretty bad, but that's more because when I was there all people wanted to talk about was how much they would slut out, not the games, so yeah.
Some obscure brony forum because there was too much drama
Deviantart because I was … artistically challenged to say the least
MTGSalvation because I lost interest in MTG
Runescape – Someone killed me in wilderness, left after
Roblox – Banned
Terraria Forums – Banned
Minecraft Forums – Banned
DeviantArt – A lot of the people I met there were super assholes and many of the groups I was in had too much drama going on in them
Several CS:S Servers – Either banned or left due to drama or losing interest
Several GMOD servers and sites – A lot of drama went on and I followed a friend through them who eventually told me to fuck off
Several small Minecraft servers – All died to inactivity, most are still up but are completely vacant. Also many of the owners were assholes
I left the communities for Minecraft and FnaF when they both pretty much filled up with annoying and prerverted 10 year olds. the Minecraft fandom did have a few screwed up perverts in it, such as the people who created the Mob Talker mod and that one Minecraft visual novel were all the monsters are anime girls … for some reason, and FNaF … well i think we all know about that one.
KYM. Memes dried up. Community grew stale. Site got old.
But it's like a drug you keep coming back too. All the dank memes. All the shitposting. It's so glorious.
There was a Gmod Clan forum I was a mod in for over a year when the Admin joined a game and revoked my mod status without even a word, and refused wo give me a reason. I later found out it was because another regular told a story about how I was abusing my powers in game and egged on a religious debate, on a day where my Steam history clearly showed I wasn't even online, just to get the mod spot himself, only for him to be banned two weeks later by another admin for, you guessed it, abusing his powers. I was never reinstated even after the admins learned of the lie and when I had the entire regular base behind my back. I left that community shortly after. I recently talked to an old regular who told me most of the people I knew left after the place became a hell-hole. Despite the hundreds of hours of fun I got from that community, I honestly don't regret leaving, mainly due to the admins be wither neglectful or abusive to the mods.
RandomMan wrote:
What if our Pokemon RPers migrated to Pokecommunity!?!?!??!
Yah now we have undertale RPers. I came to realize, RPers will never truly leave this website… which isn't a bad thing per se, though.
Does it count as leaving if your account gets permabanned by a mod? Cause if so, I "left" the bioware forums for being disparaging and "harrassing" another user because I told them they were retarded for claiming people who hated elves in a fictional universe that made them of a gray morality meant they 100% hated all minorities in real life. This person also assumed anyone who choose renegade options in mass effect should be irl monitored by the government and should not be able to access future bioware content.
They followed me into multiple threads, throwing insults at me and then claiming I was bigoted againdt lgbt individuals because they themselves were a gay male. I pointed out sexuality doesn't excuse stupid comments, and that being gay doesn't matter to talking about elves who kill random hunans and wonder why people hate them.
They called me a genocide apologist and supporter of uncle tom culture, and that's when I just started posting puns in all my quotes lf their posts. Then a mod csme in and banned me, and when I asked if the other user would be banned, I got permabanned. The other user was back to posting the next day with their same account.
I used to be a regular on Ponychan, but I left when the boards became too full of drama around season 3. I still like the show, but that specific sect of the fandom is one I tend to not keep tabs on anymore.
Deviantart -
People there are just as bad as youtube commenters. Users are so pretensious and socially enept at interacting with one another. I once knew a guy who began trolling the Leelah Alicorn memorial gallery and harrassed transgender users with deeply invasive questions. At the time I was young and foolish. I never harrassed anyone but I sure as hell didn't try and help.
I once posted a story about how some drunk asshole threw beer at my mum's face and some edgy idiot ranted about how IF YOU ARN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFEND YOURSELF, YOU DESERVE TO BE DEATEN
Shit that website is awful
I used to be all over Gaia Online for probably three years or so. I can still remember my username, but I haven't logged in for years. I remember playing the shit out of zOMG! for stuff, and participating in all the holiday events they did with it. I bet some of the stuff I have is worth a lot nowadays, assuming people still care. Being the extremely antisocial twit I was back then, I never posted in the forums. I played it like an eight year old on Neopets.
On a related note, Neopets. That website was the thing that kept me going through elementary school (and early middle school). My daily motivation was finish school and beat my sister home to the computer so I could play some Destructomatch 2 and cap my daily neopoints income. I left it shortly after the Neocash system was introduced. I don't think the premium items were why I quit; I think it was because Facebook and non-anonymous social media was becoming de rigueur in society, and among my [few] friends and family.
Quick note: If Facebook is considered a community, then I left that one, too. None of my real friends were ever posting; it was always those annoying people who capitalized on Likes and the amount of Facebook friends they had.
Neopets: It's sad, I still like the concept but it couldn't retain a good, active community. I'm pretty sure I have an old Neocash item worth hundreds, though.
IGN Furry Crew: Violently disintegrated, wasn't my fault I swear! Was sad, they had done so much for me.
IGN's /b/ equivalent: Brilliant display of how not to operate a forum. Had an active community but they released the dedicated admins and let the boards decay to mindless trolling and hate mongering. All of the old users, who often knew each other on a real name basis, left. Now it's just Donald Trump parody accounts and Hitler iconography.
Competitive CoD: Being pro on the Wii was easy, but I'm trash on other platforms.
MyAnimeList: Nothing is worse than self-important anime snobs.
The VG Resource is another one I don't really like.
It's full of those "elitist" people. Who are picky to the most minor things. Apparently, I was too negative for some weird reason.
Even though I just made 1-2 quick posts about minor stuff. (Such as the fact getting sound rips of GBA soundfonts are usually higher quality than than actual hardware). People were annoyed by that.
Used to be a part of the Bungie forums, but I pretty much left after I discovered KYM. I ended up frequenting KYM more than the Bungie site, until it got to the left where I just left. Nothing wrong with the community, but I just found KYM to be a more interesting site.
MMO Champion (World of warcraft forum) I mean I used to browse MMO and KYM at the same time, but slowly the site and community became all stale and most of the friends i met there also left for various reasons, mostly for the people itself and also the way the game was going back then. And well, here in KYM there's more content and stuff to surf around that's interesting sometimes.
I don't know if stopping playing Minecraft counts but I used to like minecraft a lot and play it with friends and in server websites, the thing that just kept me away until I stopped completely is that well, like most of people aswell, just don't find it that much appealing after spending a lot of time in it. That and second is, that it wasn't worth like doing nice stuff or build shit that I wanted to last forever (Well not forever but for at least a very good long time) because every 2 or 3 weeks everything gets wiped out either because the server is gone, there's a new update, map renewed, new mods and all that. So it just like puts me down doing a lot of nice stuff in it just to see it go in a day.
Most communities that I've been a part of I've left. (Is this how you spell this)
I think the biggest one I left was the fnaf "community" It was completely ruined by kids and other (in lack of a better word) autists, it got so horrible that I outright started hating the games and was embarrassed to say that I was a part of them.
In highschool, trying to hang out with the Nerd/Geek clique (before being such was considered cool) forced me to leave the two major communities I felt I was part of:
Anime and Magic the Gathering.
Anime was obliterated to me when I started seeing how utterly insane the weeaboos were, and how the vast majority of anime I started getting exposed to was utter shit.
Magic the Gathering was obliterated to me when I started playing it with the nerds in highschool and seeing how insanely into it they were. My cards, which were at least 2-3 years behind, were often made fun of (despite the fact my strategies landed me some hefty victories lol mermaid deck, LOL Goblin Suicide Squad decks)
But the BIGGEST community I left was the original EverQuest community. I was playing that game religiously from 2000-2004 on a pvp server. With every new expansion the game was significantly ruined and altered. The golden era, for those who would know, was Classic, Kunark and Velious, and when Luclin came out it was the beginning of the end. Weapons and Armor that were absurd, in-game portals made it so Druids and Wizards couldn't make decent money porting people, and the growing emphasis on instance dungeons ruined the experience.
I was part of WoW community but I never cared much for it.
World of tanks drew me in for a few years but I played it less and less until I just gave up on it as everyone who had the max tier stopped playing.
TvTropes. Second google incident was that made me finally left it. I also disliked their "happiness is mandatory" policy.
The DDR (and any other rhythm video games) community. I could mention the particular site I'm pertaining to but it's not too important anyway. Plenty of toxic and elitist-minded people.
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