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Most evil characters of all time.

Last posted Mar 22, 2016 at 02:47PM EDT. Added Mar 11, 2016 at 06:48PM EST
31 posts from 29 users

In this thread, we shall list out the most diabolical, merciless, heartless characters across all forms of media. I shall start.

Here is Shou Tucker from Full Metal Alchemist. He's is the cause behind one of the most tragic anime scenes in which he transformed his own daughter and dog into a chimera. All in the name of science. The field of research has no regard for humanity as it seems.

Feel free to point out any especially evil characters. You may use this page as a means of refreshing your memories.

The entire pantheon of Chaos from Warhammer 40k.
Khorne is the Blood God of anger, rage, and war. All of his followers are crazed psychopaths that will chop each other up if they can't find any actual enemies.
Tzeentch is the god of planning and trickery. All of his followers are usually sorcerers of some type and will backstab each other in order to gain Tzeentch's favor. The problem here is Tzeentch's favor will often include random mutations that are at best benign and at worst actively hinder doing things. Sometimes he goes too far and will turn his follower into a gibbering mass of mutated flesh that can only fight.
Slaanesh is the god of excess pleasure and overindulgence. All of his/her/it's followers are often androgynous hedonists that take pleasure out of other people's suffering.
Nurgle is the god of disease and decay and is surprisingly the most kind out of all these guys. He acts like a father to his followers even though he turns them into horrible abominations that can't die in the process.
And one that might be contested is Malal. From the snippets I've seen Malal is basically the god of anarchy and "chaos" chaos. Basically he hates everything, including himself, and wants to fight everything. His followers will often time fight not only the Imperium but also other worshippers of Chaos as well.
There's an entire boatload of other evil 40k characters, but it'd probably take an entire thread to just talk about that.

Requesting move to Moving Images.

I'd havr to go with either rhe Governor or Negan from The Walking Dead.

The Governor was a power hungry mofo would kill anuone, even his closest allies, to get ehat he wanted. Was so glad to see him die.

Negan is just downright evil. No sympathy for anyone whatsoever. He's infamous for killing one of the most favorited characters in the series: Glenn.

Last edited Mar 11, 2016 at 07:29PM EST

Bill Dickey from the Eltingville Club. Like most of the main cast, he is introduced as a total asshole and remains that way. It's a great example of how changing the presentation of a story can totally alter our perception of things. In the early stories, we think Bill is funny because Eltingville is still a comedy and we aren't supposed to take it seriously. Out of the four main characters, he seems the most together, since he runs a club and plans their activities. But in the last few stories, we think he is disgusting and sad because Eltingville slowly shifted into sober social commentary. The only reason he ever looked competent was because he was the most dedicated to his nerdy fandoms. Outside of this environment, he comes across as pathetic, sexist, friendless, and destined for a life free of ambition or accomplishment. But Bill himself never changed, just the way we see him. Added to this, there are a couple of moments when Bill is given the opportunity to discard what little decency he pretends to have and show just how messed up he really is.

What I'm really trying to say is that everybody needs to read The Eltingville Club.

Last edited Mar 11, 2016 at 08:13PM EST

Griffith from Berserk

I don't care about how morally ambiguous his actions are after the event which kills the Band of the Hawk. I still don't understand his reasoning behind raping Caska, and it's certainly a really shitty thing to do for branding Guts (who already had a shitty life to begin with) to be chased by demons for the rest of his life. Didn't just salt his wounds, he pretty much threw hot sauce and lemon juice on top of them.

Johan Liebert from Monster

Anyone who has seen Monster will understand why I listed him here and anyone who hasn't seen Monster should go watch Monster.

Let me tell you, about this asshole:

  • slowly poisons his father to death
  • destroy's his adoptive-brother's friendships/steals the first kiss from his adoptive-brother's girlfriend (it would be 7 years before she spoke to him again)
  • murders his adoptive-brother's dog
  • manipulates his adoptive-father into humiliating his real son

Note: he was like 12 years old when he did all that ^

  • attempts to poison his adoptive-father, when that fails he kills him in cold blood (and gains vampire powers in doing so)
  • murders 5 cops
  • nearly kills his adoptive brother (who he just spent 7 years manipulating )
  • turns an entire town into an army of zombie/thralls
  • promises a mother that he won't harm her baby if he can turn into a zombie, but since she's a zombie she ends up eating her own baby
  • nearly gets killed but survives by decapitating himself
  • survives as a severed head, trys to steal his adoptive-brother's body
  • ends up killing him and an entire boat full of people
  • survives 100 years at the bottom of the ocean, attaches his head to to body of his adoptive-brother
  • starts a cult of assassins who have psychic powers
  • kills an unknown number of people who he uses as food
  • kills a cinnamon roll and causes the deaths of 2 other precious cinnamon rolls.
  • causes a Japanese serial killer to gain superpowers
  • brainwashes a priest into resetting the universe
  • is still an asshole in the new universe

There are loads of dickbags in the series I'm choosing, but ultimately I select Ramsay Snow/Bolton from A Song of Ice & Fire.

- Sets his hunting dogs on naked women in the wild as a game, then rapes them as they lie dying after a good mauling
- Routinely flays people alive for fun
- Mentally breaks people to force them to adopt the identity of his beloved servant
- Engineers conflict between neighbouring rivals so that he can profit from their fighting
- Details of his torture more explored in the TV version where he will NTR and cuck his male torture victims in front of their faces with random hookers before proceeding to castrate them.
- Eats a sausage in front of one of said victims just for the lulz.

The classic epitome of Chaotic Evil

Apart from the fact that everyone knows he is willing to kill innocents including women and children (which already puts him at ISIS levels of evil) he also doesn't give a shit about the woman that genuinely cares for him, even more so for the petty goons that run with him, beat Robin to death with a Pipe, and Paralyzed and raped Batgirl, and showed the pictures to her dad he ain't even straight? Those are only the ones I can name at the top of my head.

He isn't insane, he's just pure evil. The only person he actually cares and obsesses for is Batman (literally, getting pounded by Batman's fists gives Joker a hard-on,) and by care, that just means he doesn't want to kill Batman but humiliate him in the worst possible way. The most fucked up thing is that Batman seems to like it when Joker commits terrible crimes, otherwise he would have ended Joker already despite his moral code, and not have been distraught when Joker does die. In short they're both masochists and sadists at the same time.

Last edited Mar 11, 2016 at 11:54PM EST

Old Man GigaChad wrote:

Let me tell you, about this asshole:

  • slowly poisons his father to death
  • destroy's his adoptive-brother's friendships/steals the first kiss from his adoptive-brother's girlfriend (it would be 7 years before she spoke to him again)
  • murders his adoptive-brother's dog
  • manipulates his adoptive-father into humiliating his real son

Note: he was like 12 years old when he did all that ^

  • attempts to poison his adoptive-father, when that fails he kills him in cold blood (and gains vampire powers in doing so)
  • murders 5 cops
  • nearly kills his adoptive brother (who he just spent 7 years manipulating )
  • turns an entire town into an army of zombie/thralls
  • promises a mother that he won't harm her baby if he can turn into a zombie, but since she's a zombie she ends up eating her own baby
  • nearly gets killed but survives by decapitating himself
  • survives as a severed head, trys to steal his adoptive-brother's body
  • ends up killing him and an entire boat full of people
  • survives 100 years at the bottom of the ocean, attaches his head to to body of his adoptive-brother
  • starts a cult of assassins who have psychic powers
  • kills an unknown number of people who he uses as food
  • kills a cinnamon roll and causes the deaths of 2 other precious cinnamon rolls.
  • causes a Japanese serial killer to gain superpowers
  • brainwashes a priest into resetting the universe
  • is still an asshole in the new universe

Thanks for the endorsement. Could only have said it better myself.

Grifith – Berserk.

Because he literally SACRIFICED all his friends to the fucking GOD OF EVIL. How'd he do that you ask? Oh nothing special just by letting everyone of them be violently ripped to shreds by HP Lovecrafts fucking FEVER DREAMS, possibly sending them to HELL, leaving the only female member to be literally gang-raped by demons all before having one of said demons gouge out his best friend's eye while he's forced watch as said female soldier gets raped AGAIN by Grifith to the point of insanity.

He does this all while looking like a fucking girl

Slaanesh – Warhammer 40k

This Bitch/fuck-boi is fucking a rapist/BDSM-tard/masochist fuckwit. DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO ELDAR OR ANYONE LIVING ON HER CHAOS WORLDS!? THEY GET TORTURED FOR FUCKING EVER!!! IN WAYS I'M SURE WOULD GET ME BANNED JUST FOR DESCRIBING. This asshole considers driving a fucking chain-axe up his clitoris CASUAL SEX. He fucking FEEDS OFF PAIN AND PLEASURE BITCH!

The Ambassoder of Alagadda – SCP Foundation



" *A god shaped hole. The barren desolation of a fallen and failed creation. You see the light of long dead stars. Your existence is nothing but an echo of a dying god's screams.

The unseen converges. Surrounds you.

And it tightens like a noose.* "

He-who-made-light – SCP Foundation


" You will know the light, and you will pray for darkness "

"Poison them, drown them, bash them on the head! I don't care how you kill the little beasts, but do it, and do it now!"

Cruella de Vil, perhaps, deserves mention. I am by no means an animal rights fanatic, but this woman's cruelty is unreasonable. Cruella has no empathy whatsoever, for animals or humans. She goes out to kidnap and murder over a hundred baby animals, many of whom had loving owners, for the pure sake of vanity. She is completely self-absorbed and incredibly petty, too. Very little matters to her besides her own desires, and she is willing to sacrifice anybody – even her allies – to meet her goals successfully. The triviality of her quest somewhat demeans her evil spirit, though. If the gravity of the story were altered her character would be able to "stretch its evil wings" as it were, putting human lives under the chopping block for her excessive pride. She certainly has the capacity for it.

What a heartless old witch.

Last edited Mar 12, 2016 at 07:30AM EST


Bitch is all about science. Figuring out how the world works and all that shit. Nothing stops her, there is no sense of morality in her. Everything is fair game to experiment and learn: Humans, monsters, fellow angels like her. Even herself. She's perfectly willing to inject herself with an unfinished, untested, unstable substance when backed into a corner.

And yes, she makes chimeras. Did you expect anything else?


Alipheese Fateburn VIII otherwise known as Black Alice

Power-hungry, sadistic and absolutely fucking ruthless. There are actually no redeemable qualities about her. She's one of the few villains in the game that you never feel bad for.

Her motivation is the most common shit. She wants to rule the world. Just because. She doesn't pretend to justify herself or anything like that, she knows very fucking well that she's evil, and she loves it.

Creepy, manipulative, and cruel. When she kills, she kills slowly. And painfully.

Last edited Mar 13, 2016 at 12:58PM EDT

Even though this is a shit anime/manga this guy is a true diabolical piece of shit. He killed the Emperor by slowly poisoning him, killed the Emperors wife and made it look like a suicide, killed any and all members of the Royal Cabernet who would speak out about his actions, fooled the current Emperor (Who's a kid by the way) into going to war with countless nations, was responsible for creating countless corrupt government officials and high ranking military members, ect.. To put it kindly he is a man who actually ruined everything.

Nobody here mentioned Darth Sidious/Palpatine? I am surprised.

Palpatine basically manipulated everyone he has ever met and when he's done using them, he will just kill them to cover his tracks. Hell, he even wiped out almost an entire species just to cover his tracks. Not only that, he was the one who perpetrated the Clone Wars and is responsible for creating the oppressive Galactic Empire and indirectly caused the creation of the First Order. He is also directly responsible for the fall of the Jedi Order and manipulating Anakin to turn the dark side, leaving an irreversible stain in the Skywalker family line and in Galactic history. Overall, Palpatine is an absolute diabolic, remorseless shitstain that deserves everything that came to him.

Also, Grand Moff Tarkin is almost just as bad as Palpatine.
Tarkin didn't show any gratitude whatsoever when he was rescued during the Clone Wars. He also caused Ahsoka to leave the Jedi Order, causing Anakin to fall more into the dark side. Not only that, he gave the order to kill two officers just to make a point that failure won't be tolerated. And finally, Tarkin was the one responsible for destroying Alderaan just to only make a demonstration.

Last edited Mar 15, 2016 at 08:44PM EDT

Dangerous Sociopath who can't go 5 minutes without killing something

Dangerous Sociopath who wants to wipe out all of mankind

Dangerous Sociopath Incapable of feeling emotion (when you learn what he's done, and what he planned on doing, then it'll make sense

Dangerous Sociopath Who loved killing a little too much (so much so that his job was to kill his own allies if they tried to desert a battle)

Last edited Mar 15, 2016 at 09:09PM EDT

Gilles de Rais (Castor) from Fate/Zero.

This guy was just over the top evil. He wasn't really interested in the Grail and neither was his master, he just wanted to commit some of the worst atrocities a living being can possibly create. Not only that, but he honestly believed that this was his grand purpose and treated it as if it was a theatrical show. I believed he also said prior to his final battle that he wanted to put on show that would shock God himself. It got so bad that the others held a truce and joined forces in order to stop him.

I figured I'd bump this up by mentioning Kefka Palazzo from Final Fantasy 6.

He had enslaved Terra into killing some of his own troops as shown in a flashback and has a rather unhealthy obsession with burning stuff to the ground. He later poisoned a town's water supply and had killed nearly everyone except Cyan and a sentry. At Thamasa, he kills General Leo and several Espers, becoming more powerful in the process. As a coup de grace, Kefka destroys the world and achieves godhood and spreads misery across the entire world. Sephiroth is definitely kids stuff compared to this clown!

The Combine/Universal Union

-Killed billions of people during their invasion of Earth
- Created a "Suppression Field" keeping people from having children
-Put chemical in people water to brainwash them
- Their theme is what one would expect to belong to an evil empire
-Killed innocent people with little to no reason such as: Gunning down people in a refugee base, The shelling Ravenholm turning a neutral town of refugees in a zombie infested hellhole, the various homes on highway 17.
-They tried to keep civilians from escaping city 17 before it's destruction (though it may be more to do with the information Alyx had than them wanting to be evil)
-Used a bio weapon in the from of head crabs. Which may not only turn the host in to a zombie but keep them alive though the entire ordeal, they use them often and can be seen frequently though Half life 2 and its episodes.
-Violate people in horrible ways, mutating their bodies and turning them intoStalkers
-Apparently conquered multiple universe( Though it is more likely only parts of said universe)
-Turn species they conquer into war machines

-Scared the big bad of Half life 1 shittless, committed genocide of his species , violated him by mutilating his body, and caused him to be desperate enough to invade Earth
-are stealing massive amount of Earth's water and have no long term goals for the planet
Valve new network did two great videos on why the combine are so horrifying

Last edited Mar 20, 2016 at 07:50PM EDT

"Heavenly Demon" Donquixote Doflamingo

Let's see what damage he has managed to do in his 42 year life

  • Shoots his father in the back of the head while he's hugging his younger brother at the age of ten.
  • Eventually kills his brother too
  • Has his goonies burn down a city because he tripped in it
  • Ran a slave ring comprised of kidnapped citizens and races and sold them to royals with exploding collars on them to kill them should their owners ever feel bored with them
  • Ran another slave ring by having his subordinate steal the free will of random pirates/marines/citizens by turning them into toys that also erases everyone's memory of them, then has them parade themselves in front of said loved ones who not only don't remember they existed, but if they reveal themselves, he kills them.
  • Ran a third slave ring (This guy was in to slavery it seemed) by tricking a bunch of Dwarves into creating bioweapons under the guise of making medicine for their imprisoned princess.
  • Provides countries with super weapons simply to provoke wars because he wants to see the world burn
  • Uses his puppeteer powers to make people kill their loved ones/themselves for no other reason other than for fun
  • Used that power to frame a King by having him and his soldiers run through the country killing people just so he can appear like a hero when he stops him
  • Tries to brainwash a 13 year old child into sacrificing his life so he can achieve eternal youth
  • Once his masquerade falls through, uses his puppeteer powers to cause a good portion of his citizens to kill each other while trapping them in a slowly closing cage of blades that will kill everyone too injured to run or those tied down to stop them from killing others.

I'll throw in my personal candidate too.

And here we have Ace from Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, also known as Gentarou Hongou, CEO of Cradle Pharmaceutical.

His list of accomplishments:
- Kidnapped many children admitted to hospitals under his care and made them play the Nonary Game as a means to cure his prosopagnosia.
- Directly caused the death of Akane Kurashiki, Junpei's (the protagonist's) childhood friend by putting her in an incinerator.
- Nine years later, he was kidnapped along with his accomplices to play yet another Nonary Game. To prevent them from saying anything, he murdered them.
- Responsible for killing many people in various endings, such as Lotus and Junpei in the Knife Ending and also pretty much everyone in the Submarine Ending.


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