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Best Buds

Last posted Dec 04, 2011 at 10:35PM EST. Added Dec 02, 2011 at 08:06PM EST
57 posts from 24 users

Ok. Let's pretend the user above you is your best bud. So in this thread let everyone know what you two do together.

ex. (User above me) and I like to learn to make exotic foods.
Alex and I like to dress up as security guards and hassle roller bladers…

This can be funny if we do it right

There was that time where me and Nikolaki8 met God. I was blinded by His glory, but he was like "Psh." They were chattin' it up like it wuhn't nothin.'

Ashbot and me? Back in the day, we used to cruise around in his car playing a game where we'd run over stray dogs for points. Of course, that was before he joined PETA.

Last edited Dec 02, 2011 at 08:41PM EST

Man, Brucker and I are always causing shit in the IRC. I mean one time we had some space hookers and sold them to Armenian drug lords in the outer depths of Mars.

There was this one time Alex and I were making our way through a cow paddock when suddenly he picked up a fresh juicy cowpat and threw it at me screaming "SHIT FIIIIIIIIIIGHT"

Then we had a big ol' cowpat battle, we played cowpat tag and cowpat frisbee.

When we got home to the shack, momma said "Oh lordy, you all covered in poopy!". Then she proceeded to hose us down in the front lawn. After that she baked us Apple pie. Good times.

Me and Ric go back like that old recliner your dad had in the den with the "auto magazines" under it that smelled really musky and kinda like balls.

Anyway, we're star footballers. I'm the set-up man, and he gets the goals. Oh, the ladies…they love us. We lay our game down quite flat.

Me and Eridan used to be small fish in a big lake. But then we started hearing these strange signals from the south and we blew up, like big time.

We then proceeded to annihilate cities with our massive bodies and endless rage. We currently reside just off of these seven islands. We occasionally destroy these buildings belonging to some guys who like to wear R's on their uniforms.

I remember the time when Alex and I were handling in illegal drugs. By time our reputation grew. We had it all, money, women, cars. There was nothing we couldn't buy. Until that one deal, it was just like any other. Fucking cops were walking all over us, there was no place to run. Alex took a bullet to the head, I'm currently in prison. I doubt I'll ever get out again.

Sometimes I walk the dinosaur to pay my respects to Alex, I know he'd love it.

Eridan Ampora? I don't really know the guy personally, but he used to date my sister, and she never had anything bad to say about him, so he's alright in my book. One of these days, I might let him out of the dungeon in my basement.

Wsxdas and I are actually superheroes. When Rita uses her magic wand to make her monsters grow, the fuse together to form the Dasverbozord. We then fight our way around a miniaturized city with plastic swords and thangs. When our 22 or so minutes have passed, we use some final attack that we didn't bother using at the battle's onset to blow up the bad guys.

Afterwards, we like to chill at Angel Grove and be the stereotypical pterodactyl and deer that we are.

We do…………………stuff………………………together……………………………..that's all you need to know. >:D

I shown HarmonRabb the way we do things on Know Your Meme, due to his Brand New Member status. And I intentionally steer him wrong to cause lulz.

We would play Minecraft, And Because he his to play in human form. I Always have to save him from Creepers.

Last edited Dec 04, 2011 at 02:51PM EST

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