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In every game...

Last posted Apr 21, 2012 at 05:46PM EDT. Added Apr 20, 2012 at 04:22PM EDT
22 posts from 19 users

There is that ONE character who cannot take a hit and causes you to restart countless times. Who is that for you, and what game are they from?

For me, it was fucking VANESSA, the Pegasus Rider from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Pegasus riders cannot take a hit. Fuuu.

Oddly, I don't think I've ever really played a game like that.

Mainly because there's always some means of reviving a fallen squad member in the games I tend to play. Which I guess kinda renders your post moot.

Also another Fire Emblem character, and she's a pegasus knight at that. Tanith would die at all of the worst spots. It didn't even help that she rode in during her intro chapter equipped with a spear.

Last edited Apr 20, 2012 at 04:35PM EDT

While not a characer, these fucking cargo ships from the X-wing/ Tiefighter series are more than a little annoying.

They couldn't take more than 2 hits from torpedoes, were slow as hell, unarmed, and on most of the missions that involved these bastards it would count as a mission failure if you lost just one during a 20 minute mission.

On one mission in Alliance they will actually run into each other suicidally, forcing you to restart the retardedly long mission.

Many rage quits were had.

Don't even get me started on Falco. Yes, he may be the coolest wingmate in 64, HOWEVER whenever he is attempting to run away from an enemy that is chasing his tail, he goes SUPER FAST, making it impossible to catch up and save him!

In the 64 version anyways. In 64 3D it's possible to save him on the first level.



Last edited Apr 20, 2012 at 04:55PM EDT

Paula at the beggining of Earthbound, ugh…

Also, I think it would be better if we mention those weak characters that are a pain in the ass to carry since they're almost useless at least once.

Last edited Apr 20, 2012 at 06:15PM EDT

Silver Chariot wrote:

Also, I think it would be better if we mention those weak characters that are a pain in the ass to carry since they’re almost useless at least once.

Ashley from RE4. Unless you give her the armor suit (which cuts her sex appeal down to Steve Buscemi levels) she'll die after maybe two hits. This isn't too outrageous in and of itself, but whenever you see her die for the 50th time, you start to get a little pissed off.

Last edited Apr 20, 2012 at 06:26PM EDT

Star Ocean: The Last Hope


Don't get me wrong, she's a good character to have in your party. But my party didn't have a main healer. Instead of that I chose two fighting characters who could use healing spells to make the regular battles quicker. Myuria was the main healer of the two, a mage with good attack spells. The other character was Edge, a close-combat sword user with some white magic on the side.

But during boss battles, even if you set her actions to just using healing spells, she'd always get the temptation to run into the boss and attack him. Getting her attacked and possible given a condition, sometimes even death.

Edge had this as well, but his healing spells were just some extra boost in time of need. He had the main spells needed to survive (heal hp, remove all conditions, revive). As a sword user, I was used to him running into the boss. He had higher defense and health, therefore he could take some hits.

Last edited Apr 20, 2012 at 08:49PM EDT

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Don't even get me started on Falco. Yes, he may be the coolest wingmate in 64, HOWEVER whenever he is attempting to run away from an enemy that is chasing his tail, he goes SUPER FAST, making it impossible to catch up and save him!

In the 64 version anyways. In 64 3D it's possible to save him on the first level.

I've saved him on the first level in the original.

Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow.

If you were retarded like me, you tried to keep this yellow bastard on your team for the entire game because it looked cool having his ass follow you around. But keeping him alive and keeping him useful? This is YELLOW VERSION. The movepool for every Pokemon in this generation is WEAK AS FUCK. So when every one of my 'useful' Pokemans are down, this little dick comes out and I have to pray to Mewtwo's mutant ghost that his ass doesn't get k-oed in one shot, since he's got like the weakest defense in the entire game. Worst part was you couldn't put a Thunderstone up his nose and make him a Raichu.

Karmacharged wrote:



Legendary deathclaw is tougher. that bitch will fuck your shit up with 2 hit's no matter how hardy and tough you are.

I can't think of many games outside of Fire Emblem that would require me to restart should I allow a character to faint, but I get you.
I'm going to go the way of Wheatley and tap into Pokémon.

Reasons listed above. Even if you couldn't take advantage of Gyarados' massive attack with Water-type moves, using Bite or Tackle early in the games for Generations I and II was enough to KO or 2-hit KO most opponents regardless of the level you encountered.

But gosh, getting to Level 20 was always a pain. Switch in, switch out. And even if you got to Level 15 and learned Tackle, you'd still get beat. And without Revives (or wanting to use a Revive that early,) you'd have to stomp back to the last Pokémon Center to bring it back to health.

Generally the same for Ralts. When I first played Ruby, I simply thought Ralts couldn't be found where Wally found one. Upon replay, I ran across one myself. Caught it, and remembered how tough it is to train up a Pokémon with no attacking moves. It was easier, because you didn't need as much Experience Points to level up compared to Magikarp, but Ralts couldn't take a hit at all.

It was all worth it to get to here though.

One of my favorites.

When I played the Descent 1 demo as a kid. That character that kept sending me back was this son-of-a-bitch right here.

This floating robot, which was about 3 times the size of the ship you flew. Was the final boss for the demo. You encountered it in a huge cylindrical chamber at the end of the demo.

This thing had the ability to teleport around the boss room, including behind you or inside of you (Yes, it could telefrag you.) making things extra terrifying for 6 year old kids.

The moment it sees you, it launched missiles that killed you in a direct hit and if those missiles missed you, they would split into homing projectiles that would turn around and come straight back after you. Those projectiles did enough damage to cut your ships shields by 50%

Lastly it could take one hell of a pounding. You had no weapons that could bring it down easily. Did I mention it was also backup up by numerous minions that were also incredibly strong?

As an adult, this boss is a piece of cake to beat. I learned that you can outmaneuver it and its attacks easily once I got older. But not before I spent many years being terrified of it at a kid. As a kid I fought it by hiding in nooks and crannies and attacking from afar. Attempts to do so result in a huge angry robot teleporting in front of my hiding spot and launching some missiles in there which were completely unavoidable because the hiding spot had no escape from those homing projectiles.

I can never shake off those terrifying memories, even after I got the full version of the game and met the much tougher bosses in the full version. Only that boss left such an imprint on my young mind.

For something more recent, here's a boss that killed me time and time again as an adult!

Meet Duriel from Diablo 2

He even made into a list of toughest boss fights

In Diablo 2 you can beat most bosses by leading them around an obstacle and hitting them with ranged attacks.

But not Duriel no. You meet him in a tiny cramped boss chamber with no obstacles. it's just you, him and open ground. There is no escape from this asshole.

Duriel is a simple boss. He simply has a melee attack and only one special ability which slows down his nearby enemies. But he's fast…faster than you… especially since he slows you down, his melee attack kills almost instantly and he can attack at a faster rate than you… plus he's resistant to almost all ranged attacks.

Lets recap:
-He's faster
-He's stronger
-He's instantly fatal
-He's unavoidable
-He weakens you
-Neither melee or ranged or spells are effective against him at the level you encounter him on.

Duriel just isn't fair. He's meat-grinded every character I've sent at him. The Druid, the Barbarian, the Sorceress….none could escape his huge claws of death. He's sent them back to the start point many times. Most characters could only beat him without dying by cowardly teleporting in and out of the boss chamber with the scroll of town portal.

I've only ever beaten Duriel once in hand-to-hand combat without getting killed. That was with a Paladin where I put everything skill point into Zeal and Holy Freeze and every stat point into Strength, Dexterity and Vitality, plus I used a really good Scepter

But if you play Diablo 2 for the first time, chances are you wont have the foresight to make a character like that which stands a chance against Duriel

Last edited Apr 21, 2012 at 04:16AM EDT


Legendary deathclaw is tougher. that bitch will fuck your shit up with 2 hit's no matter how hardy and tough you are.


It's even more worth it if you have it evolve into this badass:

I love this one. Saved my ass more than once.
But as for characters that wre seriously stupid, I'd have to say……a lot of the War For Cybertron AIs. Dammit, you go over THERE and shoot Trypticon. NOT RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FUCKING ATTACK ZONE, YOU MORONS! I swear, I was about to smack Optimus' mouthplate right off his face.

Karmacharged wrote:


But i believe we were comparing the deathclaw and bloatfly to our own characters in game. Frankly it all depends really. I mean i never ran into the legendary deathclaw because i was afraid of it but my brother got insta killed by it because it jumped on him and ripped out his lungs. But it took about 2 or three shots for the bloatfly to kill him. So in my opinion who wins? The courier.


But i believe we were comparing the deathclaw and bloatfly to our own characters in game. Frankly it all depends really. I mean i never ran into the legendary deathclaw because i was afraid of it but my brother got insta killed by it because it jumped on him and ripped out his lungs. But it took about 2 or three shots for the bloatfly to kill him. So in my opinion who wins? The courier.

It all depends on the character. When I played, I strictly used melee, so death law went down easy but the bloatsprite was difficult. For a guns or energy weapons character who focuses on range, it would be quite the opposite.


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