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Meme arrows thread

Last posted 12 years ago. Added 12 years ago
66 posts from 42 users

>Le friend wants to go on 4chan
>"I've been there for a week, I'm such an oldgay, I'll show it to him"
>Make a lemonkeyface xD
>We lel
>Mfw I took an arrow to the knee

Philip J. Fry wrote:

>Le friend wants to go on 4chan
>"I've been there for a week, I'm such an oldgay, I'll show it to him"
>Make a lemonkeyface xD
>We lel
>Mfw I took an arrow to the knee

>Going to make fun of 9choke
>meme arrows everywhere
>Everyone bursts into candies
>le Success face

>Going to the movies
>Getting popcorn at concession stand
>Hot girl working concession
>Obviously checking her out
>Asks if I like what I see
>Sweating heavily
>Spaghetti starts falling out of pockets
>mfw I am a chair

>Implying this isn't already a troll thread
>Implying that anyone except TARDISES and me are actually doing it right

>Implying GOD FREAKIN' DARNIT I already made this joke on the original image. I was doin' it rite before it was cool.
inb4 >Implying everyone saw that image.
To which I will say: >Implying someone would post on this thread about said image without seeing said image.
inb4 >Implying you have a gf.
To which I will say: Feels bad, man.

I am AHO Right? wrote:

>Implying GOD FREAKIN' DARNIT I already made this joke on the original image. I was doin' it rite before it was cool.
inb4 >Implying everyone saw that image.
To which I will say: >Implying someone would post on this thread about said image without seeing said image.
inb4 >Implying you have a gf.
To which I will say: Feels bad, man.

>Inferring that you use "implying" with meme arrows
>Inferring that meme arrows are green

Last edited 12 years ago

>mfw all dubstep is skrillex and every 3d film is pixar

Last edited 12 years ago

What I thought was going on in this thread:

My reaction to what I thought was going on in this thread:

My reaction to what this thread was actually about:

>go on le 4chan
>see hilarious le meme arrows story
>le copy paste
>post on le neingag
>triumph for le neingag army
>le mfw:

Last edited 12 years ago

>swimming in le intertunnels
>find le funny conversation string
>le me pasting meme arrow meme
>everyone's billies are shuffled
>le great success
>wrinkley smile man.picture
>those feelings when I'm le haxxor
>pastrami pouring from le pocket monsters
>le orange face

>implying I didn't do this before other people thought it was cool.
>implying I'm not being a hipster to this being everywhere
>implying spaghetti isn't falling out of my pocket to reaction of my rusted jimmies from this
>le mokey face

Last edited 12 years ago

>Le me telling le everyone about le hilarious comments I found on le Youtube
>Tell friends le comment was complete with le meme arrows
>Le friend calls le meme arrows le "greentexting"
>Tell le friend that le correct term is le meme arrows
>Feels good knowing le me knows more about le internetz than le friend

>I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
>she said get on the floor
>mom's spaghetti

Last edited 12 years ago

>locate le humorous paste
>duplicate and repaste
>agitate le johnathans
>fire meme arrows
>spaghetti-o's spill out of pouches
>move to california
>le money making

Last edited 12 years ago

Papa Coolface wrote:

>foolish thread is foolish

>Implying you're not acting the exact same way Troll King acted when he joined

Last edited 12 years ago

Rin Tezuka wrote:

>Not using black and white parody images on a non-serious thread


>le me browsering Learn Le Meme
>notice this string getting le bounced up
>my freddies are le not mixed up
>le content fruit face

>le me remembers this le thread
>decide to neobump thread for epic le gnoming
>le everyone is le upset
>ravioli jumping from your le kangaroo pouch
>everyone's huberts are le kerfuffled

photo connected, it's le gnomeface

Last edited 12 years ago

>Feels bad day at el school.
>Have to carry el percussion equipment all over el school.
>Trip while trying to move el bass drum.
>Antipasti starts to prove the law of gravity out of el knicker-boxers.
>El bass drum rolls down el stairway and sends el kids flying.
>I imagine el "Gogogo Maniac" song playing as kids get In Physical Form ork'd.
>El principle shows up.
>Want to know who is responsible for this destruction and Italian food.
>El everyone points to me, covered in salami.
>Get suspended.
>Come home.
>El My Reaction As this weave is fist-pumped:

Last edited 12 years ago

Jack Candle wrote:

>le me remembers this le thread
>decide to neobump thread for epic le gnoming
>le everyone is le upset
>ravioli jumping from your le kangaroo pouch
>everyone's huberts are le kerfuffled

photo connected, it's le gnomeface

BalisticDerr wrote:

>Your expression when keeping your le jiminy crickets unbumtumbled was my le real plan all along
>My expression when le my strategies are activated
>le pocket contents are al dente

>See le thread revivothumped on le forum page
>my beef jerky is unraveled
>open le thread entrance
>descend onto le carpet
>all ambulate le Stegosaurus

Last edited 12 years ago

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