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Ecce Homo's Restoration

Last posted Aug 30, 2012 at 12:08PM EDT. Added Aug 23, 2012 at 12:18AM EDT
8 posts from 7 users

I'm spanish, I have watched this on TV and I laughed a lot with this.
I don't know if we have to eye or not, but if you want help, you can count with mine if this needs to be cataloged.
I'll translate that video.
She gave it a good will, but her skill with painting have destroyed the original Christ of the Borja's Church. One neighbour of this little town of Zaragoza decided that this painting needed a retouch and that painting went out of her hands. The result as you can see, have done the image of Elias Garcia completely recognizable.
She have made that, a painting.
"I… have done, all I could.
Or made a Christ.
"I have done all I could"
Anyone of these sentences fits with it.
"Hehehehe… no, that's not a restoration…"
Or if not, see the painting before…
"He should have anything like a crown of thorns…"
And the painting after…
"Oh, I see it now weird"
An "Ecce Homo" that have a nickname in the internet, "Ecce Mono" (Note: Mono means in english Monkey).
"They are going too far"
Because this woman…
"Since when I was five years old! I have made a lot of exhibitions and I have sold a lot of paintings"
She made it with good intentions and today, she have the consequences…
"This have gone to an end that I can't do more!"
Cecilia Jiminez, a octogenarian neighbour of Borja, that on her own and risk…
"I put myself to fix that painting, but I had gone to a vacation trip"
"She said that the painting haven't finished yet"
"And I said to myself that when I came here I would finish it. I came, and all have made a fuss"
"That was when they had said to us, being too late to fix it up.
For that reason there is only one rule now.
"Don't touch it, now, don't touch it!"
The painting will be touch by a researching team what will study that if the mess have a solution.
"We will know it the next week"
The thing we know is that the Christ have now more visits than ever.
This isn't the only one that have dared to restore the painting, see the retouchs that now across the internet.
The internet people have put to search what is the face that fits better to this "Ecce Homo" A lot of people have appealed to well-known faces to make it the famous picture that have also profile in the socials networks. Indeed we can talk about the artistic phonomena of this summer.

Last edited Aug 23, 2012 at 11:06AM EDT

I have searched a bit, and I have told LeCalum about the story of this event.
While I was doing that I found that there are already a internet shop that sells t-shirts of this:

Also I have found that the old lady that did the painting Cecilia Giménez (sorry LeCalum it was with G no with J like I message you) is in bed with an anxiety attack for the problem she have now.


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