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Depression Quest Controversy or Quinngate (Potentially NSFW)

Last posted Aug 25, 2014 at 07:26PM EDT. Added Aug 18, 2014 at 09:03PM EDT
18 posts from 7 users

The indie developer, Zoe Quin released "Depression Quest" on Steam and and made it free as a promotion when Robin Williams died. Though I find it morally bankrupt to use his death as a promotion, that is not the issue that is being discussed. Depression Quest was featured on Kotaku and RPS. Zoe Quin was also defended by these sites when she was allegedly harassed by Wizzardchan. The even stranger thing is that people are trying to keep this event under raps, even on /pol/ of all places. There have been some rumors that this has been censored because Kotaku is a part of the Gawker network. Rumors aside, I will start to begin to dig into the details.

On August 16th, Zoe's previous boyfriend, Eron Gjorni, broke up with Zoe after finding out that Zoe cheated on him with 5 people, 3 are article writers for Kotaku and RPS in order to promote her game. The three that I can confirm at this time are Joshua Boggs (who is married), Nathan Grayson and Robin Arnott.
There is some speculation that Zoe slept with other influential people, but I will wait for more evidence to confirm that.

Previous to this event, she had an altercation with Wizardchan, claiming to be a victim. In response, the video game journalists and certain influential game figures like Anita Sarkisian went into full swing and protected her, from this "treat". When in reality, Wizardchan did nothing and got hammered for criticizing Depression Quest.

Also, Zoe doxxed another female developer on the grounds that her charity was "misogynistic".

There is a ton of information to go through and compress so your help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: It is also worth noting that this information has spread to the steam reviews page and Depression Quest has gained a massive increase of negativity aimed towards it. In addition, I bet no one in the "game journalist" sphere of influence will touch this with a 10 foot pole. This corruption runs deep in the game industry and it is about time that this happened to pop the lid on this club that feed off their own collective egos.

Last edited Aug 18, 2014 at 09:29PM EDT

Sorry for double posting but I found some more information.

Eron posted in this /r9k/ thread under the trip !!Wu6ulceqWEj
He probably posted some information that is relevant to this topic.

In addition, I found the connections of the 3 confirmed people.
Joshua Boggs: Creator of FRAMED
Robin Arnott: Sound designer and creator of Deep Sea
Nathan Grayson: A Kotaku and RPS writer who defended her online and pushed to have her game reviewed favorably

Finally, the InternetAristocrat recently posted an amazing summary of this event.

Last edited Aug 18, 2014 at 11:50PM EDT

OK. I am still a little hesitant about all this info. I want to see a proper response from the people this has been aimed that, although that seems unlikely if this all is true or we get the typical SJW shit.

In addition, I bet no one in the “game journalist” sphere of influence will touch this with a 10 foot pole.

Oh they have, they took it as well as you can expect:

John Walker from RPS:

"I am so horrified by the treatment of Zoe Quinn, and the despicable hypocrisy of these foul bigots who pretend it's about "ethics"."

"Aaaaaand now I'm getting inundated with dumbass tweets from MRAs. Oh no! I'd better not have my opinion any more!"

"@botherer Why are you so quick to defend this woman? She's not in the right here. …"

John Walker ‏@botherer 3h

@jhjuchau Please fuck off forever.

Someone on his site has slept with a game dev and he gives zero fucks. If you complain, you are a bigot/MRA/anti-sjw/redpiller/literallyhitler/…

Just adding some more info from
That site just got nuked, possibly from heavy traffic.

This was brought to my attention via Total Biscuit’s Twitter where he shares his thoughts on the allegations.

The long and short of it is that Zoey Quinn the developer of Depression Quest is being accused of exploiting the nepotism that tends to plague this industry by getting a bunch of favorable coverage from people she has supposedly slept with. In addition to this, videos supposedly critical of these actions have been taken down from Youtube with copyright claims, including a video by a smaller channel called MundaneMatt. It’s difficult to tell what is true and what is not. 4chan is all up in arms over it which means that alongside any truth there’s always going to be ridiculous stories and trolling attempts. 4chan is a blunderbuss. It’s a giant cannon filled with fuckin screws, nails, bodyparts, shit and waifu. When it fires, maybe 1% of it hits and the other 99% just goes everywhere and makes a mess. Added into this whole drama shitstorm is a cadre of SJW types and whoever it is that is opposed to that, MRAs? I don’t even know the terminology at this point and frankly I don’t fucking care. The kind of places posting information about this whole thing are also places I’d take with a pinch of salt or who already have a clearly outlined agenda. Internetaristocrat did the main video on this, a channel mostly dedicated to debunking SJW topics and complaining about how prevalent they are in todays media. A fair cause for the most part, though it’s a fine line to walk at the best of times. Honestly that whole debate is something I try and stay the hell away from because the people involved in it are fucking terrifying.

The original source of the allegations are from Zoe’s Ex-Boyfriend who claims she was cheating on him with multiple press members in order to get her game Depression Quest coverage and ultimately greenlit via steams Indie game submission platform.

Link to his Blog:

There have also been many claims of the Indie Dev trying to silence any discussion of her supposed inappropriate press exploitation via false DMCA takedowns on youtube videos that are discussing the story and trying to bring it to light; Youtube User TheInternetAristocrat highlights this and discusses the original blog post and it’s impications in his recent video Quinspiracy Theory.

Quinn’s Response: (Tumblr blog now deleted) This has nothing to do with games and is not a matter of legitimate public interest, but is simply a personal matter. I would hope and request that the games press be respectful of what IS a personal matter, and not news, and not about games. This is explicitly about my private life, which has been regrettably forced into the public and framed by people who pose a threat to my safety and well being as well as that of the people I love. I would hope that the effort people have gone through to dress it up as anything more would not be enough to have those who see it for what it is take the bait. I am not going to link to, or address anything having to do with the validity of the specific claims made by an angry ex-boyfriend with an axe to grind and a desire to use 4chan as his own personal army. This is not a “she-said” to his “he-said”. The idea that I am required to debunk a manifesto of my sexual past written by an openly malicious ex-boyfriend in order to continue participating in this industry is horrifying, and I won’t do it. It’s a personal matter that never should have been made public, and I don’t want to delve into personal shit, mine or anyone else’s, while saying that people’s love and sex lives are no one’s business. I’m not going to talk about it. I will never talk about it. It is not your goddamned business. What I am going to say is that the proliferation of nude pictures of me, death threats, vandalization, doxxing of my trans friends for having the audacity to converse with me publicly, harassment of friends and family and my friends’ family in addition to TOTALLY UNRELATED PEOPLE, sending my home address around, rape threats, memes about me being a whore, pressures to kill myself, slurs of every variety, fucking debates over what my genitals smell like, vultures trying to make money off of youtube videos about it, all of these things are inexcusable and will continue to happen to women until this culture changes. I’m certainly not the first. I wish I could be the last. Because I’ve had a small degree of success in a specific subculture, every aspect of my life is suddenly a matter of public concern. Suddenly it’s acceptable to share pictures of my breasts on social media to threaten and punish me. Suddenly I don’t have any right to privacy or basic dignity. Suddenly I don’t get to live out normal parts of life, like going through a bad and ugly breakup in private. I have forfeited this by being a blip in a small community, while those who delight in assailing me hide behind their keyboards and a culture that permits it, beyond reproach. My life and my body are not public property. No one’s life and body are public property. Sexuality is one of the most personal, hurtful, and easy things to demonize a woman over, and also has nothing to do with my games. Yet large swaths of the gaming community are either unable or unwilling to separate the two. I’m convinced that my ex chose 4chan as the staging ground for his campaign of harassment and character assassination because he knew this; he knew that someone claiming to be “from the Internet” has shown up at my house once already, and he is counting on the most reviled hubs of our community to live up to their sordid reputations. This is another example of gendered violence, whereby my personal life becomes a means to punish my professional credentials and to try to shame me into giving up my work. I’m still committed to doing my small part to create a world where no woman is at risk of experiencing this. That said, I am thankful that even boards with a reputation for being the most hostile places online have been able to tell the intent behind these threads and banned them outright, seeing the hate speech for what it is, and not-news for what it is. As much as those leading the charge against me will do mental backflips to make posting pictures of my tits about “ethics”, the real agenda is plain as day if you give it even a moment of sincere critical thought. No one who would terrorize someone and the totally uninvolved people they love in this way on such a massive and public scale could ever honestly claim to be interested in “ethics” of any kind. These kinds of accusations have been levied against any woman of status in any industry, ever. I have been judged because, if you are a woman, you are expected to constantly “prove” yourself, and even mere accusations can somehow undo all the good you’ve done and justify any measure of depraved brutality against you. Meanwhile, I see major support thrown the way of my male colleagues when they are accused of any sort of wrongdoing. Neither of these attitudes is correct, and they are patently unfair and reductive. Nobody exists in a vacuum, and anyone can change and grow into a better person. Heroes and villains don’t exist – just regular boring-ass people with scars and fuckups and moments of brilliance. And every single boring-ass person deserves the space to keep personal matters private and handled outside the shark tank of anonymous internet boards. Once again, I will not be addressing the specific validity of any statements about my private life. If you have good-faith questions or doubts, I am more than happy to discuss private matters in private, where they belong. But I refuse to be coerced into making my private life or anyone’s private life a matter of public record, and I refuse to be continually emotionally terrorized by people who have long decided to hate me regardless. I’m looking forward to moving on and getting back to work. To anyone else who has had to deal with this kind of indignity on any scale, you have my undying support and my ear if you ever want to talk to someone who might understand. To the people who support my work and can see this crusade for what it is, thank you from the bottom of my heart. To those people, I love you, I always have, and I always will.


It appears that Her tumblr account has been hacked by members of 4chan’s /v/ imageboard and all her details have been posted via her twitter account.
Rumors are abound that she is in-fact doing this herself to deflect blame but these are unconfirmed.

As a side note it should be worth noting that the alleged information of the "doxx" post contained false info and clearly had no passwords. I doubt that this was a real doxx because it had no real personal info which strengthens the possibility that the "doxx" was fake.

Edit: Some one tested the phone numbers posted in the "doxx" were fake.

Last edited Aug 19, 2014 at 09:24AM EDT

Uniting corruption and attention seeking with controversial topics and personal information is one of the most effective ways for censorship on the internet as many sites and forums have rules against posting about personal information and bigotry.

This scandal is really ugly and it really makes me really rethink of rules of various sites. Else it would leave various sites with two choices: either lock all the threads and enforcing censorship or withstand things getting ugly but ultimately staying true to gaming journalism.

Should KYM get an entry for this? It's rather significant now.

Last edited Aug 19, 2014 at 09:39AM EDT

Evilthing wrote:

Uniting corruption and attention seeking with controversial topics and personal information is one of the most effective ways for censorship on the internet as many sites and forums have rules against posting about personal information and bigotry.

This scandal is really ugly and it really makes me really rethink of rules of various sites. Else it would leave various sites with two choices: either lock all the threads and enforcing censorship or withstand things getting ugly but ultimately staying true to gaming journalism.

Should KYM get an entry for this? It's rather significant now.

I can garentee that no personal information such as addresses, passwords, phone numbers and emails will be posted. We will stick to the facts and try to sort out what is fact and fiction. Also, how is this bigotry exactly, I just want to hear why you typed that? I am mainly making this because it is being censored on Reddit and the game press won't touch this, at least RPS, Kotaku and probably the Escapist.

Last edited Aug 19, 2014 at 09:41AM EDT

Tim the Enchanter wrote:

I can garentee that no personal information such as addresses, passwords, phone numbers and emails will be posted. We will stick to the facts and try to sort out what is fact and fiction. Also, how is this bigotry exactly, I just want to hear why you typed that? I am mainly making this because it is being censored on Reddit and the game press won't touch this, at least RPS, Kotaku and probably the Escapist.

Actually, what I means about personal information was about addresses and such things. What I meant for personal information is affairs and relationships.

Last edited Aug 19, 2014 at 09:41AM EDT

Evilthing wrote:

Actually, what I means about personal information was about addresses and such things. What I meant for personal information is affairs and relationships.

But those affairs were use to positively affect the promotion of Depression Quest.

Last edited Aug 19, 2014 at 09:43AM EDT

Tim the Enchanter wrote:

But those affairs were use to positively affect the promotion of Depression Quest.

When the scandal about Quinn having sexual relations with various people in the gaming industry for good press and using copyfraud for censorship came out, this happened:
Read the reviews.

Evilthing wrote:

When the scandal about Quinn having sexual relations with various people in the gaming industry for good press and using copyfraud for censorship came out, this happened:
Read the reviews.

Like this one that got all of its up votes removed?

Maybe I am missing something because I am tired, but this thing is blowing up due to the apparent corruption that surrounds this game. It probably is only there because of the nepotism of gamer journalists because many people were displeased with the game being on Green Light, yet it was just pushed past thanks to these "journalists" that have no integrity.


She had already tried to greenlight the game once and failed. She put it up again, a "controversy" happened and suddenly people flock to defend her by voting her up on Greenlight.

There were even several comments by people saying they had switched their "No" vote to a "Yes" vote to support her against the harassment.

Well played, Zoe.

I have been doing a lot of research but I am feeling I hit a brick wall from trying to pick out info to add to the article. If some one else could add these bits in, that would be great.

Jon Tron's response:

Fallout of TB's response:

Operation Chemo Butthurt:

TFYC's Indiegogo:

Last edited Aug 21, 2014 at 07:42PM EDT

ZQ's ex accuses her of conspiring to scuttle the Polaris Game Jam.

Here's some research into the Polaris Game Jam that went nowhere but maybe someone can build off it.

Entities involved:

  • Green Label Gaming – aka Mountain Dew
  • Polaris – aka Maker Studios
  • Protagonist – Matti Leshem's company

People involved in production:

  • Matti Leshem – producer. Son of Israeli Ambassador Moshe Leshem. The press uniformly blamed him for the failed game jam. He has not talked about it, so he might be under an NDA.

Potentially related entities:

  • Rubenstein Communications – put Leshem's CV on Wikipedia

The Polaris team:

  • Luis Medina, Director of Partnerships
  • Isaac Zucca, Director of Programming, @ThePartyMenu is currently Sales Project Manager at
  • Nathan Kitada, Director of Branded Integration
  • Sarah Wick, Talent Strategy Manager
  • David Rostal, Head of Network Development

Maker Studios was sold to Disney by Google in March 2014. Maker then cut 10% of its workforce after having undergone previous cuts, which could put pressure on the workers to do what they're told and keep their mouths shut if they want to have a job.

Maker's investors were Time Warner Investments, Elizabeth Murdoch, Greycroft Partners, and Ynon Kreiz, who is also the CEO.

Ynon Kreiz is also a general partner in Balderton Capital and Benchmark Capital of the UK, a founder of Bullion International Ltd of the loosely regulated Channel Islands, co-founder and CEO of Saban subsidiary Jetix Europe aka Fox Kids Europe, CEO of the Endemol Group of the Netherlands, and CEO of Standard Media Index.

According to Wikipedia, Greycroft Partners is a small firm run by Alan Patricof, Dana Settle, and Ian Sigalow. Patricof is a major Democratic fundraiser and friend of Hillary Clinton, and he was a target of the Russian spy network that was outed a few years ago.

The widespread censorship might be the most interesting part of the story. ED has a big list of sites accused of censorship but with no evidence. Someone should start collecting a list of allegations of undue censorship and the evidence for it. Here's what I know about:

There are more details about the Reddit censorship in the images but there are too many for one person to go through. I suggest that a team sort by oldest and go through a few pages at a time, and do the same for the ED forum thread.

Last edited Aug 25, 2014 at 07:28PM EDT

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