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Are Reddit's Photoshop Battle trends memeworthy?

Last posted Sep 06, 2015 at 01:37AM EDT. Added Aug 26, 2015 at 09:39PM EDT
2 posts from 2 users

Legitimate question I think.
r/photoshopbattles hosts many people presenting various images they found on the web and they invite others to compete in a photoshop game. Not every thread goes viral though. But, sometimes, whether about a crab looking fabulous or an angry bride trying to circular saw a chastity belt, it explodes in participations, parodies, tons of upvotes and views on both reddit and imgur, and other websites talking about it.

However, though there are virality, spread and parodies, do they qualify as memes, as flash-in-the-pan as they are?

Last edited Aug 26, 2015 at 09:41PM EDT

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