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Leslie Jones Twitter Controversy

Last posted Jul 20, 2016 at 11:04AM EDT. Added Jul 19, 2016 at 12:44AM EDT
22 posts from 14 users

So this is happening on Leslie Jones' Twitter today. She is unblocking everyone she blocked to show everyone what she's going through against racist internet trolls. A lot of the posts are comparing her with apes and sometimes Lankey Kong. She even blocked Milo Yiannopoulos and threaten to report him.

Paul Feig begged fans to support her with the hashtag #LoveforLeslieJ. Currently there's 27.7K tweets.

In the end she's really losing her cool and her feelings on Twitter.

Last edited Jul 19, 2016 at 12:49AM EDT

The tweets Lisa posted were fake. Nobody can find an actual link to the tweets, and the original user deleted his account.

I feel slightly bad for the poor lady, but everyone gets hate-mail.

Last edited Jul 19, 2016 at 06:31AM EDT

When are people going to learn to leave social media for the first couple days whenever they do something super big. I know morbid curiosity can get the best of us, but even then, trying to reply and fight these people just makes them feel proud of themselves.

Its like twitter is a normally a decent looking house, but when there's a controversy it's a dilapidated meth-house with a caved in roof. To keep going to the dilapidated meth-house with a caved in roof is dumb. Even if you're curious about the people inside the meth house.

I saw those tweets on her feed, but I think le Noob meant that they were faked as in photoshopped and then "retweeted" as part of the troll.

Which is what this was. Doesn't make it any less offensive to the target, but I would guess this is a case of Attack of the 12 Year Old Edge Lords trying to impress 4chan. She even said at one point it seemed like these were kids.

Milo permanently banned from Twitter as part of "abuse crackdown" by the CEO personally responding to Leslie Jones, despite Milo not having tweeted any hate speech toward her.

Now his fans are going through her old tweets. This one's not photoshopped.

#FreeMilo trends:

Last edited Jul 20, 2016 at 12:05AM EDT

Milo did tweet a couple times at her, nothing more than calling her a cry baby, mocking her grammer, accusing the whole meltdown of being a PR stunt, and I think he made a snark comment about her being a man after she blocked him from what I remember. Provocative yes, racist no. And I don't remember seeing anything from him telling people to harass her.

Meanwhile @ConvosWithCosmo and @hoodbible are both still up and advocating cop-killing.

GroknakTheBarbarian wrote:

We all know who's fault this is. Free Speech.

That's a direct cap from the article, it actually says this.

Man. They're gonna feel really stupid when Trump or another Republic gets into the presidency and removes their freedom of speech, because they claim their negative criticisms of their regime are hurtful and dangerous to the emotional well-being of government employees.

Responding to trolls, whether to argue in a civilized manner or to merely lash out at them is a very human way to react. Since we are human beings, it may be impossible to grow a 100% thick skin against all evil comments. So, no matter what your background and blood sugar level is, following the rule "don't feed the trolls" can seem very, very counterintuitive, even if you are aware and prepared.

With the help of modern technology and anonymity, it is indeed easy to abuse the freedom of speech. However, freedom of speech in itself isn't the problem – it's the apparent freedom from consequences for trolls. This is why options such as blocking offensive users are so very important. Getting blocked/muted/ignored is a consequence! Perhaps a guide along the lines of "Dealing with trolls – what it is and how it's done" should be mandatory reading for all social media users.

I'd like to believe that in cases harassment that only happens online, the victim has all the power and tools to stop it, and that moderators are only needed in extreme cases (threats etc). Things get a lot uglier when cyberbullying goes hand in hand with offline bullying, though.

As for Milo, he could have been a bit more diplomatic, but he never broke the TOS. It's unfair to say that he only measures himself in provocation, as that would imply that he's provocating only for the sake of provocating. On the contrary – he seems like a guy who cares passionately about the things he cares about, and it would be a mistake to measure him in provocation or inches only.

Everyone seems to be ignoring that she intentionally of her own will announced to twitter that she was unblocking all the people she had blocked so her fans could "expose" them. She RT a couple herself that said I'M EXPOSING U!! It's not the fault of twitter or free speech that she declared open season on herself by throwing away the tools designed to prevent exactly what happened.

Black Graphic T wrote:

Man. They're gonna feel really stupid when Trump or another Republic gets into the presidency and removes their freedom of speech, because they claim their negative criticisms of their regime are hurtful and dangerous to the emotional well-being of government employees.

lisalombs wrote:

Everyone seems to be ignoring that she intentionally of her own will announced to twitter that she was unblocking all the people she had blocked so her fans could "expose" them. She RT a couple herself that said I'M EXPOSING U!! It's not the fault of twitter or free speech that she declared open season on herself by throwing away the tools designed to prevent exactly what happened.

Trying to expose trolls by unblocking and tweeting at them.
That's kind of like trying to avoid being attacked by sharks by slathering yourself in seal blood and thrashing around in the open ocean.


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