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Questions about this "website"

Last posted Jul 07, 2010 at 12:48AM EDT. Added Jul 03, 2010 at 07:14AM EDT
22 posts from 15 users

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1. Why is the minimum age limit to register for this site 13? The website you are taking content from is 18+

2. Also, and addendum to #1: Why do you strive towards being the elite source for all internet memes and phenomena, but still intend on being "family friendly?" The two don't mix very will.

3. Why do you insist on stealing and profiting from material from people who make said content for no money at all?

4. Why do you "deadpool" so many memes? Is it because you're afraid they are too obscure and you won't make any money off them(notably memes with swear words in them)?

5. If you insist on stealing popular ideas and culture(and slapping advertisements on them), shouldn't you at least give back to the people who validate your website's existence?

Thank you very much; I hope these questions can be answered.

Last edited Jul 03, 2010 at 07:22AM EDT

1-2. the people working on this site strive to make this website as family friendly as possible. yes, some memes might not be as family friendly, thus the NSFW tag on the thumbnail. people here try hard to make the site friendly, or at least a friendlier site than Encyclopedia Dramatica or 4chan

3. they are not stealing anything or promoting memes. the main purpose of this website is to document internet phenomena and memes. memes are not supposed to be "made". memes are suppose to happen naturally within the Internet environment. KnowYourMeme is just a database that somehow needs to make money to improve.

4. "deadpool" means that it didn't have efficient evidence for the entry to be classified as a meme and thus has been excluded from the meme database. again, KnowYourMeme doesn't make memes, it documents them

5. again, memes are not supposed to be made or forced. Memes are pieces of internet culture. here at KnowYourMeme, we are trying to document as many as possible and this is not called stealing. it's called documenting. it's like making a dictionary and selling it. should the dictionary makers pay the people who came up with the words? the same goes with memes.

I hope I answered your questions.

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By making this website family friendly, you are bringing tens of thousands of meme spouting twelve year olds to websites like 4chan and Something Awful. We don't need little kids knowing about double niggers or goatses or lemon parties. The people you are making this site friendly for don't need to know these things in the first place.

Also, there's a difference between an idea and the words that are required to express them. Of course a "word" wasn't just somebody's idea, but many of the ideas and culture advertised on this site for money were created by people who aren't making any profit off said things. Sure, you can argue that these are all ideas that belong to everyone, but at the end of the day you are a company that is making money off these ideas.

By the way, using that argument is contradictory towards your attitude on making the site "family friendly."

If you really are so dedicated to documenting these "memes," what makes you guys special compared to every other site out there that covers the same topics? You say you guys cover things in a friendlier way than Encyclopedia Dramatica or 4chan. Are you aware that ED has a SFW website?

Last edited Jul 03, 2010 at 09:18AM EDT

I am well aware of a SFW ED, though I can't recall its name right now. but still, ED and that other site are dedicated to 4chan inside jokes and memes rather than the general internet culture. if you browse around KYM you'll find memes that didn't come from 4chan (yes, these exist), see Cinnamon Challenge, or Jumpstyle. Also, KYM is not a wiki, unlike ED.

Last edited Jul 03, 2010 at 09:36AM EDT

1. The target audience for the content presented on this site is typically 13-30, therefore 13 is a logical minimum age requirement. Yes, believe it or not, teens do use memes.
2. While "family-friendly" is a general term we use to describe the site, it is not a deciding factor in determining the validity of the entry in question. A tag indicating that the nature of the entry is not "family-friendly" is clearly presented on the thumbnail of the entry as "NSFW."
3. We do not steal material, we document it. Know Your Meme does not control what its users upload, however, if proof of ownership can be presented the material in question may be removed at the owner's request.
Also, we do not profit off of anything. The money from the ads on the site goes toward hosting fees, just like every *chan, ED and WP80. Because, you see, running a large website is expensive. As for the shirts, the money from those also goes to hosting fees, and for the most part, they're there due to popular demand. Not dissimilar to ED's offerings.
4. If an entry is Deadpooled, that means that the entry has not met the standards required for a Confirmed status. Other reasons could be that the author was trying to force a meme, or the meme is localized to a specific website, making it very difficult to research it in order to bring it to the standards of a Confirmed entry. If the author, or another user can present adequate evidence of validity, or submits a revision of the entry, it may be moved back into Submissions, or even directly to Confirmed.
5. Should Wikipedia pay off the creators of the content it documents? What about Encyclopedia Dramatica? Answer those before you single this site out.

Any more questions?

Have I got a deal for you! Start a website that documents memes. Everybody loves memes, so you'll get tons and tons of web traffic! Then, when you get popular enough, you put ads all over the place! You get money from the ad people, and use it to make the site even bigger! Then more people come to the site, and you can put even more ads in! You keep this up, my friend, and you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams!! Now, I'm prepared to sell you this website domain, a book on how to create a site, another book on how to maintain it, a handy pocket-java code cheat-sheet, and this real leather carrying case for the two books!!!! In fact, and I don't do this for just anyone, if you buy all this today, I'm gonna throw in a brand-new keyboard! It's got a pad on the end of it so your wrists don't get chafed on the corner of your desk! You can have all of this for the rock-bottom, discounted, limited time price of $500!!!!!!

"Oh, yeah!"

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Exactly what I expected from users of this site. 1-2 legitimate replies, the rest just garbage and people trying to be LOLFUNNY.

Do you really think the ad and merchandise money goes to "keeping the site running?" If I'm not mistaken, this site is owned by Rocketboom, which, in turn made a 7 figure deal with Sony and has a partnership with Youtube/Google.

1.- See, if you go to 4chan, you will see that there is a section +18, if you are an HONEST 13 year old you wont enter neither /b/ or /r/. On the other hand, this site includes NSFW tags on entries that are not intended for work/underages. You can't blame KYM for little kids to go the wrong way.

2.- I beg to differ. Actually some memes are extremely innocent like Mudkipz, ORLY, LOLCATS and many more. Comedy does NOT have to be always associated with cursing (even if today's comedians pretty much are all like that).

3.- Well son, you live in a capitalistic country (just guessing), and if there is something that capitalism supports is OPPORTUNISM. There will be always someone that can make profit where no one guessed. And of course, people will always attack opportunists, because (of course) they are envious.

4.- You answered your own question here. Maybe they are too "obscure".

5.- Why would they do that?

The Sony deal was to stream episodes of Know Your Meme onto the Playstation 3 network. The deal ended MONTHS ago.

and Rocketboom's revenue isn't even high enough to make profit.

Last edited Jul 03, 2010 at 11:15PM EDT

Are you aware that the deal with Sony was to stream Rocketboom (that's right, Know Your Meme != Rocketboom) episodes to PSN? And that that deal has long since expired?
Rocketboom isn't as rich as you seem to think. And believe it or not, Know Your Meme is not raking in millions of dollars from a few banner ads and shirts.
YouTube partnership? That's, again, for Rocketboom. That Know Your Meme episodes are also hosted on that account is irrelevant; Rocketboom has the partnership, not Know Your Meme.

Also, why the flipping pancakes is the word "website" in quotation? I hadn't noticed that before, but now it's really starting to bug me.

@implying: the sony deal has been over for over a year now, and the money is no where near what the press reports. (do you really believe everything the press says?) and if you actually do some research into what goes into a youtube partnership deal, it is not the millions of dollars you think it is.

1. By law anyone under 13 years of age must have parental approval to visit this site.

2. The universe of memes is split into subgenres. Some are SFW, others are not. We present the documentation of these memes as they are, without bias opinions, and try to explain in common language what X is about. We're not adding n-words or f-words between every other word, like ED.

3. We do not steal memes. We document their history and present them in a historical, unbiased context.

4. The deadpool is our way of saying these are not widespread or well-known, and either have little signifcance or need more research. On a daily basis are pulling memes out of the deadpool and documenting them. (We're also working on new features to actually move away from this type of status quo system.)

5. See 3. Much to your amusement, many of the other non-Anon meme creators have reached out to us, telling us how much they enjoy our site, our videos, and help us document these memes even more. There is also a fine line between the creations and events, in which we document both. In the situation of a creation, we have at times worked with the creators to accurately present our documentation with their input. With events, we document what we see, much like a news source (and no one individual can claim creation rights for an event).

Ya done trolling @implying?


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