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It boggles my mind how critically acclaimed Final Fantasy VII is.

Last posted Nov 02, 2015 at 04:49PM EST. Added Nov 01, 2015 at 08:11PM EST
24 posts from 20 users

The name is stupid (I Live in Australia, how on earth did this glaring flaw get past the ACCC, I don't know, maybe Square and/or Sony Bribed them, but it digress), The music sounds like it was made on an SNES (and so was the gameplay), The graphics look like they were rendered on an Atari Jaguar, It doesnt support the Dual Analog Controller or the DualShock controller and the much-touted storyline is bloated, convoluted and nonsensical (coughAerith's Deathcough).

The only reason why it was so popular was because either Square and/or Sony bribed the critics or people were incredibly stupid back in 1997.

Reasons why FFVII is critically acclaimed during it's time:
1. The transition fo the FF series from 2D to 3D which was revolutionary at the time.
2. Soundtrack was considered great as it was for the 90's. Some of the songs have even grown into classics. (One Winged Angel is legendary)
3. The Aerith dies moment was very shocking in its time as many did not expect it to happen, thus adding drama and became memorable by fans. This was a time before the internet would just blabbered at your face regarding the plot twist in vidya gaems without giving a damn.
4. If there's one thing that Sakaguchi is good at is making memorable stories. His work on the series from FF1 to FFX is considered by fans to be among the best in the series.

Samekichi Kiseki wrote:

Reasons why FFVII is critically acclaimed during it's time:
1. The transition fo the FF series from 2D to 3D which was revolutionary at the time.
2. Soundtrack was considered great as it was for the 90's. Some of the songs have even grown into classics. (One Winged Angel is legendary)
3. The Aerith dies moment was very shocking in its time as many did not expect it to happen, thus adding drama and became memorable by fans. This was a time before the internet would just blabbered at your face regarding the plot twist in vidya gaems without giving a damn.
4. If there's one thing that Sakaguchi is good at is making memorable stories. His work on the series from FF1 to FFX is considered by fans to be among the best in the series.

u wot m8
1v1 me on Cell Ub Dodo on SmexBux 420

help Activision is holding me hostage and I must support their games or they will slaughter my family

need moar COD sequins

Samekichi Kiseki wrote:

Reasons why FFVII is critically acclaimed during it's time:
1. The transition fo the FF series from 2D to 3D which was revolutionary at the time.
2. Soundtrack was considered great as it was for the 90's. Some of the songs have even grown into classics. (One Winged Angel is legendary)
3. The Aerith dies moment was very shocking in its time as many did not expect it to happen, thus adding drama and became memorable by fans. This was a time before the internet would just blabbered at your face regarding the plot twist in vidya gaems without giving a damn.
4. If there's one thing that Sakaguchi is good at is making memorable stories. His work on the series from FF1 to FFX is considered by fans to be among the best in the series.

1. The graphics looked like they came out of an Atari Jaguar (And we all know how bad that systems visuals were).
2. The music was probably composed on an SNES
3. Everyone say it with me: Why Didn’t They Just Use a Phoenix Down?!
4. Yoshinori Kitase wrote the story, not Hironobu Sakaguchi.

Christian The Dog Rapist wrote:

1. The graphics looked like they came out of an Atari Jaguar (And we all know how bad that systems visuals were).
2. The music was probably composed on an SNES
3. Everyone say it with me: Why Didn’t They Just Use a Phoenix Down?!
4. Yoshinori Kitase wrote the story, not Hironobu Sakaguchi.

Ok, about #3. I know a lot of people have talked about this, and the general consensus is that she was dead, not unconscious.

It's one of those things where it was done well for its time. It seems clunky now, but it was fascinating.

Obviously it hasn't aged very well, but you can bet your ass that most older gamers today were also gamers back then. That is why FF7, along with other games that didn't age very well (such as Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye) still frequent "best games ever" lists.

Celestia Ludenburg wrote:

The real question is why do you give a damn about a game's popularity?

How long have you been on the internet?

Popularity + I don't like the popular thing = I must complain about the popular thing

Last edited Nov 01, 2015 at 09:43PM EST

yummines wrote:

It's one of those things where it was done well for its time. It seems clunky now, but it was fascinating.

Obviously it hasn't aged very well, but you can bet your ass that most older gamers today were also gamers back then. That is why FF7, along with other games that didn't age very well (such as Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye) still frequent "best games ever" lists.

And that's why it's getting a remake.

It boggles my mind how critically acclaimed [older game] is.

The name is stupid (I Live in [country], how on earth did this glaring flaw get past the [rating company], I don’t know, maybe [company] and/or [publisher] Bribed them, but it digress), The music sounds like it was made on an [older sound device] (and so was the gameplay), The graphics look like they were rendered on an [outdated graphics device], It doesnt support the [newer controller] or the [other new controller] and the much-touted storyline is bloated, convoluted and nonsensical (cough[story moment]cough).
The only reason why it was so popular was because either [company] and/or [publisher] bribed the critics or people were incredibly stupid back in [year].

Well…Christian the Dog Rapist…I suppose we are all entitled to our opinions. I'm far from an expert on the Final Fantasy series and never actually played VII, but I had a pretty lengthy discussion on the game with a friend of mine. According to him, the reason VII is held in such high regard is because it is one of the angstiest games in the series and many of its fans played it when they were frustrated teenagers. Makes sense, though I seem to recall X being pretty angsty at times too, what with it being post-apocalyptic and all.

Last edited Nov 02, 2015 at 12:30AM EST

Farm Zombie wrote:

Well…Christian the Dog Rapist…I suppose we are all entitled to our opinions. I'm far from an expert on the Final Fantasy series and never actually played VII, but I had a pretty lengthy discussion on the game with a friend of mine. According to him, the reason VII is held in such high regard is because it is one of the angstiest games in the series and many of its fans played it when they were frustrated teenagers. Makes sense, though I seem to recall X being pretty angsty at times too, what with it being post-apocalyptic and all.

Are you sure you weren't talking about VIII? That one was infinitely more angsty than VII.

Crimeariver wrote:

Are you sure you weren't talking about VIII? That one was infinitely more angsty than VII.

It's been a while since we talked, but I'm pretty sure he was talking about VII. Maybe he meant it was the anstiest game in the series up to that point and had the luck of coming out when much of Final Fantasy's audience was hitting their teenage years.

Crimeariver wrote:

Are you sure you weren't talking about VIII? That one was infinitely more angsty than VII.

I got the chance to play FFVIII at a friend's home a month ago and I played until the end of disc 1, that angst is too much me

It's a good game

But the translation is trash. Pleased for a remake to sort that shit out

They can keep the maymays in though

MIMU wrote:

> Joined 6 days ago

Oh, we're off to a good start, ain't we?

>Nick has "Dog Rapist" in it.
>Entire post is baloney.

Oh, easy to troll, aren't we.


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