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The Wii Is Now 10 Years Old: A Retrospective and Memories of our first time with the device.

Last posted Nov 23, 2016 at 03:50PM EST. Added Nov 21, 2016 at 12:27AM EST
16 posts from 16 users

Well, technically over 10 years, but 10 nonetheless. That's right, The original Wii is now a ten-year-old piece of dust gathering hardware…Where has all the time gone? Dunno, but I suppose it's time to give the Wii a proper retrospective and personal memories.

When the Wii initially launched, it instantly became a phenomenon in the gaming industry. The idea of using motion controls in-game seemed to have been perfected by the Wiimote, and it seemed like both an amazingly unique, novel concept, and the future of gaming. So many people felt like they were truly engaged in the game. You had so many people marveling over this new way to play games, it really became a remarkable period of time…that is, until we realized the truth about the Wii.

When we realized that you could just simply swing the Wiimote in any random direction in Wii Sports Tennis,and still play well, it became apparent that the innovative controller was nothing more than just a glorified gimmick that would be dropped near the end of the Wii's life cycle. It didn't help that a large portion of official Wii games didn't support the motion controls very well, so the novelty wore off pretty quickly.

Another major problem with the Wii were the selection of games….Oh boy, sooooooo many shovelware titles, your head would spin. On one side, you have good Wii games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Twilight Princess, but then you get games like Ninjabread Man and M&M's Kart Racing invading the list of games, and you'll realize that the Wii was kind of short-handed in good quality titles. Don't get me wrong; there are plenty of great games to be experienced on the Wii (such as Xenoblade Chronicles) but there are just as many low quality titles that exist to make a quick buck.

Admittedly, there were many shovelware titles on the Wii, but perhaps the most unique thing about the Wii was the introduction of the Virtual Console and WiiWare titles. For the first time, you could officially buy re-released classic games that are both historically and culturally significant to the history of Nintendo…and other companies, with the use of Virtual Console. WiiWare gave us many different tools or applications that worked specifically for the Wii. That not only gave the user new abilities for their Wii, but also helped extend the overall life of it.

In the end, the Wii had many things it did right, and many things it could have done better or different. What started as something no gamer had ever experienced ended up as their best collector, you cannot deny the impact all of those 101 Million Wii's had on many of us, and will remain in history as one of Nintendo's greatest anomalies.

…Memories, huh? I had a good history with the Wii, for it was the first time I had ever owned a game console. I received my Wii on Christmas of 2006. The family and I plugged that in and tried the Wii Sports pack-in; what a blast that was. Motion controls were such a sweet thing until..well, a couple days had passed. You could literally play most of them sitting down, defeating the whole purpose of feeling like you're immersed in the game. Over time, there were a collection of good games (Super Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy, LEGO games, Mario Kart Wii) and a bunch of not-so-good ones (Basically most of the Non-Nintendo developed games) But overall, there was a plethora of memories involving broken friendships over Mario Party 8, bowling in Wii Sports, and cheating with the Wii-Fit board. Good memories… I guess the most depressing part of the Wii being ten years old is that I'm no longer a kid anymore.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on the ten-year anniversary of the Wii? Where were you the first time you saw the Wii?

Last edited Nov 21, 2016 at 12:28AM EST

Christmas 2007
Wii sports was my first game. Then I got Battle Revolution, MK, Mario Party 8, and Brawl. Those were the games I played the most.
You gotta hate nostalgia.
I recently played My Pokemon Ranch, first thing girl said, "Oh, haven't seen you in 6 years!"
Time passes by quickly, doesn't it?

Last edited Nov 21, 2016 at 01:28AM EST

Around mid-2010, and I was 10 years old at the time; my brother and I got a Wii as a present for fasting through Ramadan without breaking early. Our European cousins got us a copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2, and upon putting the disc in, we found out that it didn't work on our Wii, which I'm pretty sure is because of region lock. In the end, nobody got to play it.

So that was fun.

Super Mario Galaxy remains one of my favorite games of all time. The Wii had so many good games that I still come back to. I think we all need to give Nintendo credit for beginning an industry trend that would eventually lead to VR.

I finished off the Wii's shelf life by finishing Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, the best damn Fire Emblem game to date and no 3DS-carrying whippersnapper knows what a good Fire Emblem game is. The last Fire Emblem console game, but it better not be the last ever if Nintendo wishes to still have my wallet.

Boom Blox Bash Party will forever be my favorite Wii game from 2009 to 2012 and possibly one of the best games published by EA games. Oh, I remember the days when the Wii came out and everyone was doing whatever to get on and how even if Wii Sports was sorta a way to show off what the Wii can do was still fun to play with the whole family. And this was literally before I discovered the internet as a whole. I also have the original wii-fit pad to play other games as well.

July 2008, my mom and I returned from our vacation in the Philippines. She made a deal with me that if she's satisfied with my report card she'll buy me one. Sure enough, she bought me one.

I remember getting Ben 10 Protector of Earth along with it--first game I ever beat within a day. Then in August I got Pokemon Battle Revolution, and September Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In 2009, I got Guitar Hero, but I do remember playing Battle Revolution and Smash a lot that year as well.

In 2010, I bought Ocarina of Time, Smash Bros. 64, and Star Fox 64 on the Virtual Console. Then Christmas 2010 I got Twilight Princess and Spring 2011, Skyward Sword. Then I also got the VC Mega Man X two years ago.

Finally in June 2014, I got a Wii U as my graduation present. With that, I transferred over all my data from the Wii to the Wii U. And September of this year, I finally gave away my Wii to my cousins. It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.

Not even a week since the Wii had come out and I was eager to put my hands into that controller that everybody was talking about everywhere.

After convincing my parents to buy me the console, we brought it home, unboxed it, set it up and we were quite delighted with this new system that was called "Mii" (needles to say, many miis were created that day). And then, the big nuke in the shape of Wii Sports was ready to be played. An incalculable amount of hours were spent for just that game, I say.

Time passed and many games were bought, played, finished and replayed. I even made a list of the games I have for it, Virtual Console games included: Epic Mickey, F-Zero X, MadWorld, Mario Kart, Mario Party 8, Metal Slug Anthology, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Resident Evil 4, Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, Super Mario RPG, Super Paper Mario, Super Motherfucking Smash Bros Brawl, Tales of Symphonya: Dawn of the New World, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, TLoZ: Twilight Princess, TLoZ: Skyward Sword, and, of course, Wii Sports.

To this day, I'm still haunting down all those games I've missed and all those I stupidly got rid of (the hell was I thinking?). All I'm saying is, I just want to have them again.

Last edited Nov 21, 2016 at 05:51PM EST

So I was just being a little 7 year old, poking around the house ad I decide to go inside the office. When I open the door, I find my dad playing Wii Sports. It turns out, the Wii belongs to a family friend who landed it to us (and later decided to let us keep it). Wii Sports was the shit at the time, I played all of the games whenever I had the chance (except the boxing game, my dad thought it was too violent for me at the time).

Other games I played that I remember having good times with are: Wii Play, Rayman Raving Rabbids, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy (both of them), Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Good times~

I remember that i went saving my money for the device only to get it on christmas. A most pleasant surprise. It was my first tv-console and i was a little confused about the motion control-stuff. I actually USED those strange plastic add-ons for the sports games. Had a lot of fun playing the Mario and Sonic Olympic Games with my family. (the part where my dad started impersonating dr eggman during a gaming session still cracks me up)

The last 2 games i bought for the Wii were Lego batman 2 (worst lego game ever) and the rayman origins game. At that time i already had the Wii-U so i ended up playing it on that console.

I still own the console and it still works as good as it did back when i first bought it. Occasionally, I play Pokemon Battle Revolution on it with some friends.

Last edited Nov 22, 2016 at 02:48PM EST

I remember getting it when I was 7. I loved playing the hell out of the Gamecube games we had. I actually remember beating Twilight Princess, having Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, Guitar Hero 3 and World Tour (which has yet to be beaten), Sin and Punishment, Mario Cart Wii and beating and trying to collect all the items in Conduit 2, beating Pokemon Rumble, this weird Nerf On-Rail Shooter game, and a bunch of other items for the console. That thing defiantly brought me some great memories while making me hate Wii Fit due to my dad having a weird health kick with my whole family.

Me and my bro got it on release, so many good games out by then and upcoming ones. Red Steel, Legend of Zelda twilight princess, call of duty 3, Smash Bros Brawl, Mario strikers and mario cart.

All fantastic games, would definitely play them all again.

Last edited Nov 22, 2016 at 11:38PM EST

2008: I first got the from my Wii and played with my sister. The game Wii sports was amazing and I enjoyed the motion controls.
As the following years go by, Me and my family played many great Wii titles and introduced to my favorite genres.
Mario Kart Wii is my favorite Wii racing game and led to being the kart-racing genre as my favorite VG genre.
Brawl is my favorite Smash game (until 4) and New Super Mario Bros. Wii is fun with co-op. Ah the memory of teamwork and frustration. Mostly frustration.


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