13 Funny 'Woooosh' Moments Where Someone Missed The Joke
Since we all miss a joke once in a while, but we're definitely not the most oblivious people out there, check out some of the funniest woooosh moments below. The term has been widely used online to point out when someone fails to understand the joke or satire in a post, with the sound of whoosh being associated with something (in the context of the internet, a joke) flying over a person's head.
The popularity of this type of content resulted in the subreddit /r/woooosh being created in 2016. The subreddit now has over 1 million subscribers, with users sharing the hilarious times when people have embarrassingly missed the joke and made a fool of themselves in the process. Evidently, the best of these screenshots have been compiled below and are here for you to enjoy! Is your humor witty and smart enough to understand the original jokes, or will you get wooooshed by them as well?