
15 Anti-Memes For A Disappointing Time

Two images from /r/antimemes
Two images from /r/antimemes

Published September 12, 2023

Published September 12, 2023

There is a certain category of memes that don't quite fit the bill like the rest of the every day memes do. They don't exist to make a joke, but instead to rationalize meme templates and make them make sense, literally. Anti-memes are just that, the anti-version of a meme. They are the opposite of what would be expected of the meme, and generally contain anti-jokes as their punchline.

They can be disappointing at times, leaving one unsatisfied, like they missed out on a joke. Other times they are actually unintentionally hilarious, like the joke was so lost that it created a new joke all on its own. Anti-memes are quite popular, and they have their own subreddit on Reddit called /r/antimeme. This subreddit contains a large amount of common memes that have been painted over with an anti-joke, or other rationalizing words, to give the meme a whole new life. Here are 15 of them to leave you slightly unsatisfied, but still entertained somehow.


(Source: Reddit)

Sure Has Been

(Source: Reddit)

Always Those Three

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Be Hasty

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Legos Are Not Good

(Source: Reddit)

Never Reply

(Source: Reddit)

How to Run a Business

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Looks Like It

(Source: Reddit)

Common Experience

(Source: Reddit)

Somewhere in There

(Source: Reddit)

That's the One

(Source: Reddit)

Bad, Very Bad

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, Still Watching

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: antimeme, harry potter, subway, one piece, netflix, anime, anti-memes, bone hurting juice, collections,